Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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and mild dermatitis. Occasionally, it may
cause an allergic reaction.
lansoprazoleA drug used to treat dis-
orders caused by excess stomach acid,
such as peptic ulcerand acid reflux. Side
effects of lansoprazole include ab-
dominal pain, diarrhoea, constipation,
headache, and dizziness.
lanugo hairFine, soft, downy hair that
covers a fetus. Lanugo hair first appears
in the 4th or 5th month of gestation
and usually disappears by the 9th month.
It can still be seen in some premature
babies. Lanugo hair sometimes reap-
pears in adults who have cancer. It may
also occur in those with anorexia ner-
vosaor be a side effect of certain drugs,
especially ciclosporin.
laparoscopyExamination of the inter-
ior of the abdomen using a laparoscope,
which is a type of endoscope. Laparo-
scopy is widely used in gynaecology.
Surgical procedures such as appendi-
cectomyand cholecystectomyare now
often performed laparoscopically (see
minimally invasive surgery).

laparotomyAny operation in which the
abdomen is opened either for diagnos-
tic purposes or for surgical treatment.
larva migransInfections that are char-
acterized by the presence of the larval
(immature) forms of certain worms in


blood supply in a heart attack (see
myocardial infarctionor shock).
lactobacillusA type of rod-shaped bacte-
ria found in fermented plant and dairy
products. Some types of lactobacilli
colonize the human intestine and the
vagina, where they prevent the overmul-
tiplication of harmful bacteria.
lactoseOne of the sugars present in
milk; a disaccharide carbohydrate.
lactose intoleranceThe inability to
digest lactose(see lactase deficiency).
lactuloseA laxative drugthat is used to
treat constipation.
lambliasisAnother name for giardiasis.
laminectomySurgical removal of part
or all of one or more laminae (the bony
arches on each vertebra) to expose the
spinal cord. Laminectomy is performed
as the first stage of spinal canal decom-
pression (see decompression, spinal canal).
lamivudine A reverse transcriptase inhi-
bitor drugused in the treatment of HIV
infection. Often, when the treatment is
started, 3 drugs are used: 2 reverse tran-
scriptase inhibitors and a third drug
from another class, such as a protease
inhibitor. Lamivudine may also be used
to treat longstanding hepatitis B infec-
tions. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea
are the most common side effects.
lamotrigine An anticonvulsant drug
used either alone or in combination
with other anticonvulsants in the treat-
ment of epilepsy. It can cause a number
of minor side effects, such as nausea,
headache, and blurred vision. Rarely,
serious skin reactions may occur, par-
ticularly in children. In addition, there
may be flu-like symptoms, bruising, sore
throat, and facial swelling, which should
be reported to a doctor promptly.
lanceTo incise using a lancetor a surgi-
cal scalpel.
lancetA small, pointed, double-edged
knife used to open and drain lesions,
such as boils and abscesses.
language disordersProblems affect-
ing the ability to communicate and/or
comprehend the spoken and/or written
word (see speech;speech disorders).
lanolinA mixture of purified water and
a yellow, oily substance obtained from
sheep’s wool. Lanolin is used as an
emollientin the treatment of dry skin










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