Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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the functioning of the vocal cords. In
adults, the most common laryngeal dis-
order is laryngitis. In children, croupis
common up to the age of 4. Much rarer
is epiglottitis, a life-threatening disorder
in young children. Rarely, a baby is born
with a soft, limp larynx, a condition called
laryngomalacia, which causes noisy brea-
thing during feeding; the larynx usually
attains normal firmness by the age of 2.
Various kinds of tumour may develop
on the vocal cords. The most common is
a polyp(a noncancerous swelling caused
by smoking, an infection such as influ-
enza, or straining the voice). Warts and
small noncancerous growths called sing-
er’s nodescan also occur on the vocal
cords. The larynx may also be affected by
cancerous tumours (see larynx, cancer of).
laserA device that produces a concen-
trated beam of light radiation; “laser” is
an acronym for “light amplification by
stimulated emission of radiation”. (See
laser treatment.)
laser treatmentUse of a laserbeam in
a variety of medical procedures. High-
intensity laser beams cut through tissue
and cause blood clotting. They can be
used in surgery and to destroy abnor-
mal blood vessels. Lasers are frequently
used in ophthalmologyto treat eye dis-
orders, in gynaecology(for example, to
unblock fallopian tubes), and to remove
birthmarksand tattoos.


LASIK The abbreviation for laser-assisted
in-situ keratomileusis, a type of eye sur-
gery in which a laseris used to reshape
the corneato correct refractive errors
(see refraction) such as shortsightedness
(see myopia) and astigmatism.
Lassa feverA dangerous infectious
disease caused by a virus carried by
rodents. Lassa fever is largely confined
to West Africa. The illness starts with
fever, headache, muscular aches, and a
sore throat. Later, severe diarrhoea and
vomiting develop. In extreme cases, the
disease can be fatal. Treatment is injec-
tions of the drug ribavirinand serum
containing antibodiesto the virus.
lassitudeA term describing a feeling of
tiredness, weakness, or exhaustion.
lateralRelating to, or situated on, one
side. “Bilateral” means “on both sides”.
latissimus dorsiA large, flat, triangu-
lar musclein the back. Contraction of
the muscle moves the arm downwards
and backwards.
laudanumA solution of opium, former-
ly used as a sedative and painkiller and
in the treatment of diarrhoea.
laughing gasThe popular name for
nitrous oxide.
Laurence–Biedl–Moon syndromeA
rare inherited disorder characterized by
increasing obesity,retinitis pigmentosa
that may lead to blindness, learning dif-
ficulties,polydactyly, and hypogonadism.
(See also genetic disorders.)
lavage, gastricWashing out the stom-
ach with water, usually to remove toxins.
laxative drugsA group of drugs used
to treat constipation. There are various
types. Bulk-forming laxatives increase
the volume and softness of faeces and
make them easier to pass. Stimulant
laxatives stimulate the intestinal wall to
contract and speed up the elimination
of faeces. Lubricant laxatives soften and
facilitate the passage of faeces. Osmotic
laxatives increase the water content and
volume of the faeces. If used in excess,
laxative drugs may cause diarrhoea,
abdominal cramps, and flatulence, and
may impair normal bowel function.
lazy eyeAn ambiguous name for the
visual defect that commonly results
from squint (see amblyopia).
LDLSee low density lipoprotein.



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