Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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liquid paraffinA lubricant laxative
drugobtained from petroleum. It can
cause anal irritation, and prolonged use
may impair the absorption of vitamins
from the intestine into the blood.
lisinoprilAn ACE inhibitor drugcom-
monly used to treat hypertension.
lispA common speech disordercaused
by protrusion of the tongue between the
teeth so that the “s” sound is replaced
by “th”. Sometimes the cause is a cleft
palate (see cleft lip and palate). In most
children, there is no physical defect and
lisping disappears by the age of about 4.
listeriosisAn infection that is common
in animals and may also affect humans.
It is caused by the bacterium LISTERIA
MONOCYTOGENES, which is widespread in
the environment, especially in soil. Pos-
sible sources of human infection include
soft cheese, ready-prepared coleslaw and
salads, and improperly cooked meat.
In most adults, the only symptoms are
fever and aching muscles. There may also
be sore throat, conjunctivitis, diarrhoea,
and abdominal pain. Pneumonia,septi-
caemia, and meningitismay develop in
severe cases. However, listeriosis can be
life-threatening, particularly in elderly

people, those with reduced immunity,
and newborn babies. In pregnant women,
infection may cause a miscarriage.
The condition is diagnosed by blood
testsand analysis of other body fluids,
such as urine. Treatment is with antibi-
otic drugs, such as ampicillin.
lithiumA drug used in the long-term
treatment of maniaand manic-depressive
illness. High levels of lithium in the blood
may cause vomiting, diarrhoea, blurred
vision, tremor, drowsiness, rash, and, in
rare cases, kidney damage.
lithotomySurgical removal of a calculus
(stone) from part of the urinary tract.
The procedure is only performed for
large stones; smaller stones are usually
crushed and removed using cystoscopy,
or pulverized ultrasonically by lithotripsy.
lithotomy positionPosition in which a
patient lies on his or her back with the
hips and knees bent and the legs wide
apart. Once used for lithotomy, the posi-
tion is still used for pelvic examinations
and some types of pelvic surgery.
lithotripsyThe process of using shock
waves or ultrasonic waves to break up
calculi(stones) inside the kidneys, upper
ureters, and gallbladderfor excretion.





Lead apron

Monitors X-ray beam to locate
kidney stones

X-ray source

Water- or gel-
filled cushion

unit X-ray receiver

Shock waves

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