Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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other substances. Lumbar puncture is
usually carried out to collect a sample
of cerebrospinal fluid in order to diag-
nose and investigate disorders of the
brain and spinal cord (such as meningi-
tisand subarachnoid haemorrhage). The
procedure takes about 15 minutes and
is carried out under local anaesthesia.
lumbosacral spasmExcessive tight-
ening of the muscles that surround and
support the lower region of the spine,
causing back pain. Treatment of lumbo-
sacral spasm may include analgesic drugs
and muscle-relaxant drugs.
lumenThe space within a tubular organ,
such as the intestine.
lumpectomyA surgical treatment for
breast cancer in which only the cancerous
tissue is removed. (See also mastec-
lunacyAn outdated term for serious
mental disorder.
lungOne of the 2 main organs of the
respiratory system. The lungs supply the
body with the oxygen needed for aero-
bicmetabolism and eliminate the waste
product carbon dioxide. Air is delivered
to the lungs via the trachea(windpipe);
this branches into 2 main bronchi (air
passages), with 1 bronchussupplying
each lung. The main bronchi divide again
intosmaller bronchi and then into bron-
chioles, whichlead to air passages that
open out into grape-like air sacs called
alveoli (see alveolus, pulmonary). Oxy-
gen and carbon dioxide diffuse into or
out of the blood through the thin walls
of the alveoli. Each lung is enclosed in a
double membrane called the pleura; the

two layers of the pleura secrete a lubri-
cating fluid that enables the lungs to
move freely as they expand and contract
during breathing. (See also respiration.)
lung cancerThe most common form of
cancerin the UK. Tobacco-smokingis
the main cause. Passive smoking (the
inhalation of tobacco smoke by non-
smokers) and environmental pollution
(for example, with radioactive minerals
or asbestos) are also risk factors.
The first and most common symptom is
a cough. Other symptoms include cough-
ing up blood, shortness of breath, and
chest pain. Lung cancer can spread to
other parts of the body, especially the
liver, brain, and bones. In most cases,
the cancer is revealed in a chest X-ray.
To confirm the diagnosis, tissue must be
examined microscopically for the pres-
ence of cancerous cells (see cytology). If
lung cancer is diagnosed at an early
stage, pneumonectomy(removal of the
lung) or lobectomy(removal of part of
the lung) may be possible. Anticancer
drugsand radiotherapymay also be used.
lung, collapse ofSee atelectasis; pneu-
lung disease, chronic obstructiveSee
pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive.
lung, disorders ofThe most common
lungdisorders are infections. These dis-
eases include pneumonia,tracheitis, and
croup. Bronchitis and bronchiolitis, which
are inflammatory disorders affecting the
airways within the lungs, can be compli-
cations of colds or influenza. The disorder
bronchiectasismay occur as a complica-
tion of severe bacterial pneumonia or




Lobe Bronchus





Air space


Thin wall
of alveolus

Left lung

Right lung
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