Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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is continued for 6 weeks. Drug treat-
ment with tamoxifen or chemotherapy
may also be given.
masticationThe process of chewing
food. The canines and incisors (front
teeth) shear the food. The tongue then
pushes it between the upper and lower
premolars and molars (back teeth) to be
ground by movements of the lower jaw.
Salivais mixed with the food to help
break it down for swallowing.
mastitisInflammation of breast tissue,
usually caused by bacterial infection
and sometimes by hormonal changes.
Mastitis usually occurs when bacteria
enter the nipple during breast-feeding. It
can also be caused by changesin levels
of sex hormonesin the body – for exam-
ple, at the onset of puberty.
Mastitis results in pain, tenderness,
and swelling in one or both breasts.
Bacterial mastitis during breast-feeding
also causes redness and engorgement
and may result in a breast abscess.
Mastitis caused by infection is treated
with antibiotic drugs and analgesic
drugs, and by expressing milkto relieve
engorgement. Mastitis caused by hor-
mone changes usually clears up in a few
weeks without treatment.
mastocytosisAn unusual condition in
which itchy, irregular, yellow or orange-
brown swellings occur on the skin, most
commonly on the trunk. Mastocytosis
may also affect body organs, including
the liver, spleen, and intestine, and it
may cause symptoms such as diarrhoea,
vomiting, and fainting. Very rarely, the

condition leads to
anaphylactic shock,
which can be fatal.
The condition usu-
ally begins in the 1st
year of life and clears
up by adolescence.
Antihistamine drugs
may be helpful in
relieving symptoms
of mastocytosis.
mastoid boneThe
lower part of the
temporal bone in
the skull. It has a
projection, known
as the mastoid pro-
cess, which can be felt behind the ear.
The mastoid bone is honeycombed with
air cells. These are connected to a cavity
called the mastoid antrum, which leads
into the middle ear. Infections of the
middle ear (see otitis media) occasion-
ally spread through the mastoid bone
to cause acute mastoiditis.
mastoiditisInflammation of the mastoid
bonein the skull. The disease is caused
by infection spreading from the middle
ear (see otitis media) to the air cells in
the mastoid bone through a cavity
called the mastoid antrum.
Mastoiditis causes earache and severe
pain, swelling, and tenderness behind
the ear. There is usually also fever, a
creamy discharge from the ear, progres-
sive hearing loss, and displacement of
the outer ear. If the infection spreads, it
may lead to meningitis, a brain abscess,
blood clotting in veins within the brain,
or facial palsy.
Treatment is with antibiotic drugs. If
the infection persists, an operation
known as a mastoidectomy may be car-
ried out to remove the infected air cells.
masturbationSexual self-stimulation,
usually to orgasm. Massaging the penis
or the clitoriswith the hand is the usual
method of masturbation.
maternal mortalityThe death of a
woman during pregnancy, or within 42
days of childbirth, miscarriage, or an
inducedabortion, from any pregnancy-
related cause. Maternal mortality rate
describes the number of such deaths
per year per set number of pregnancies.





Area of tissue
to be removed

Incision around
breast and into

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