Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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the adrenal medulla is the central
region of an adrenal gland. The term
“medulla” is also sometimes used to
refer to the medulla oblongata.
medulla oblongataAlso known as the
medulla, the lowest part of the brain-
stem. The medulla oblongata lies in the
skull just above the spinal cord.

medulloblastomaA type of cancerous
brain tumourthat occurs mainly in chil-
dren. The tumour usually arises from the
cerebellum, which is concerned with
posture, balance, and coordination. It
grows rapidly and may spread to other
parts of the brain and to the spinal cord.
A morning headache, repeated vomiting,
and a clumsy gait develop. There are
also frequent falls. The tumour is diag-
nosed by CT scanningor MRIand often
responds to radiotherapy. Surgery and
anticancer drugsmay also be needed.
mefenamic acidA nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugused to relieve pain
and inflammation. Possible adverse ef-
fects are typical for this group of drugs.
mefloquineA drug used for prevention
and treatment ofmalariain parts of the
world where the parasite that causes it
is resistant to chloroquine. Mefloquine is
one of the preferred treatments for fal-
ciparum malaria. Side effects include
nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea. Rarely,
there may be panic attacks, halluci-
nations, and psychosis.


mega-A prefix meaning very large, as in
megacolon, a condition in which the
colon is greatly enlarged. The prefix
megalo- has the same meaning.
megacolonA gross distension (enlarge-
ment) of the colon, usually accompanied
by severe, chronic constipation.
In children, the main causes of mega-
colon are anal fissures, Hirschsprung’s
disease, and psychological factors that
may have arisen during toilet-training.
In elderly people, causes include the
long-term use of strong laxative drugs.
People suffering from chronic depression
or schizophreniaoften have megacolon.
Other, rarer causes include hypothy-
roidism, spinal injury, and drugs such as
morphineand codeine.
Megacolon causes constipation and
abdominal bloating. Associated loss of
appetite may lead to weight loss. Diar-
rhoea may result if semi-liquid faeces
leak around the obstructing hard faeces.
Diagnosis is made by proctoscopy,
barium X-ray examination, and tests of
bowel muscle function. If Hirschsprung’s
disease is suspected, biopsyof the large
intestine may be performed. Impacted
faeces are often removed using enemas.
In severe cases, the faeces must be
removed manually.
megaloblastic anaemiaSee anaemia,
megalomaniaAn exaggerated sense of
one’s own importance or ability that
often occurs in mania. Megalomania
may take the form of a delusionof
grandeur, or of a desire to organize
activities that are expensive, large in
scale, and involve many people.
-megalyA suffix meaning enlargement,
as in acromegaly, a condition in which
there is enlargement of the skull, jaw,
hands, and feet due to excess produc-
tion of growth hormone.
megestrolA progestogen drugused to
treat certain types of breast cancerand
uterine cancer (see uterus, cancer of). It
may be prescribed when a tumour can-
not be removed by surgery, if a tumour
has recurred after surgery, or when
other anticancer drugsor radiotherapy
prove ineffective.
Possible adverse effects of megestrol
include swollen ankles, weight gain,








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