Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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midwiferyThe profession that is con-
cerned with assisting women in
pregnancy and childbirth.
mifepristoneA sex hormone drug used
to induce medical termination of a
pregnancy (see abortion, induced). Pos-
sible adverse effects include malaise,
faintness, nausea, rash, and, rarely, uter-
ine bleeding. Women over 35 who smoke
should not be given the drug.
migraineA severe headache, typically
lasting 4–72 hours, accompanied by
visual disturbances and/or nausea and
vomiting. Migraine attacks may be iso-
lated or may recur at varying intervals.
There is no single cause of migraine,
although it tends to run in families.
Stress-related, food-related, or sensory-
related factors may trigger an attack.
Menstruation and oral contraceptives
may also trigger migraine.
There are 2 types: migraine with aura
(an impression of flashing lights and/or
numbness and tingling), and migraine
without aura. In migraine without aura,
there is a slowly worsening headache,
often on one side of the head, with nau-
sea and sometimes vomiting.
In migraine with aura, there may be
visual disturbances for up to an hour, fol-
lowed by a severe one-sided headache,
nausea, vomiting and light-sensitivity.
Other temporary neurological symp-
toms, such as weakness in one half of
the body, may occur.
Diagnosis is usually made from the
history and a physical examination.
Treatment for an attack is an analgesic
drugsuch as aspirinor paracetamol, plus
an antiemetic drug, if needed. If this is
not effective, treatment with serotonin
agonistssuch as sumatriptanmay be
prescribed. Ergotaminemay prevent an
attack if taken before the headache
begins, but is now rarely used. Sleeping
in a darkened room may hasten recovery.
For frequent attacks, preventive treat-
ment may be needed. Keeping a diary
can help pinpoint trigger factors, and
prophylactic drugs may be prescribed.
(See also cluster headaches.)
miliaTiny, harmless, hard, white spots
that usually occur in clusters around the
nose and on the upper cheeks in new-
born babies and also in young adults.

milkA nutrientfluid produced by the
mammary glands of mammals.
milk–alkali syndromeA rare type of
hypercalcaemiaaccompanied by alkalosis
and kidney failure. The syndrome is due
to excessive, long-term intake of calcium-
containing antacid drugs and milk. It is
most common in people with a peptic
ulcerand associated kidney disorders.
Symptoms include weakness, muscle
pains, irritability, and apathy. Treatment
is to reduce milk and antacid intake.
milk of magnesiaA magnesium prep-
aration as an antacid and laxative drug.
milk teethSee primary teeth.
Minamata diseaseThe name given to
a severe form of mercury poisoningthat
occurred in the mid-1950s, in people
who had eaten polluted fish from Mina-
mata Bay, Japan. Many people suffered
severe nerve damage and some died.
mineralization, dentalThe deposition
of calcium crystals and other mineral
salts in developing teeth. (See calcifica-
tion, dental.)
mineralocorticoidThe term used to
describe a corticosteroid hormonethat
controls the amount of salts that are
excreted in urine.
mineralsIn nutrition, chemical elements
that are essential in the diet. At least 20
minerals, including potassium, sodium,
and calcium, are vital for health. Some,
such as iron and zinc, are needed in
only tiny amounts (see trace elements).
mineral supplementsDietary supple-
ments containing one or more minerals
in tablet or liquid form.Some mineral
supplements may be harmful in excess.
Ironis the most commonly taken mineral
supplement and is used to treat iron-
deficiency anaemia. It may also be given
to pregnant or breast-feeding women.
(See also individual mineral entries.)
minilaparotomyA procedure for female
sterilization (see sterilization, female).
minimal access surgerySee minim-
ally invasive surgery
minimal brain dysfunctionA hypo-
thetical condition thought to account
for behavioural and other problems in
children for which no physical cause is
found. It may be a cause of some learn-
ing difficulties, difficulty in concentrating,
impulsiveness, and hyperactivity.



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