Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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Possible adverse effects include nausea,
vomiting, and tremors.
nandroloneAn anabolic steroid (see
steroids, anabolic) used to treat certain
types of anaemia.
Possible side effects include swollen
ankles and jaundice. Nandrolone may
cause difficulty in passing urine in men,
and irregular menstruation and abnor-
mal hair growth in women.
nappy rashCommon skin inflamma-
tion in babies that is caused by irritant
substances in urine or faeces. Occa-
sionally, the inflammation is severe.
An ointment containing a mild cortico-
steroid drug may be prescribed to
suppress the inflammation.
naproxenA nonsteroidal anti-inflamma-
tory drug(NSAID). Naproxen is used to
relieve joint pain and stiffness in arthri-
tis; it is also prescribed to hasten
recovery following injury to soft tissues,
such as muscles or ligaments.
Possible adverse effects include nausea,
abdominal pain, and peptic ulcer.
narcissismIntense self-love. A narcis-
sistic personality disorder is characterized
by an exaggerated sense of self-impor-
tance, constant need for attention or
praise, inability to cope with criticism
or defeat, and poor relationships with
other people.
narcolepsyA sleep disorder character-
ized by chronic daytime sleepiness with
recurrent episodes of sleep occurring
throughout the day. Attacks may last
from a few seconds to more than an
hour. Cataplexy(sudden loss of muscle
tone without loss of consciousness)
occurs in about 3 quarters of cases. Other
symptoms may include sleep paralysis
and hallucinations. In narcolepsy, the
REM (rapid eye movement) state of
sleep is entered into abnormally rapidly.
Narcolepsy is often inherited. Treat-
ment usually involves regular naps,
along with stimulant drugsto control
drowsiness, and antidepressant drugsto
suppress cataplexy.
narcosisA state of stupor, usually
caused by a drug (see opioid drugs) or
some other chemical. Narcosis resem-
bles sleep but, unlike someone who is
sleeping, a person in narcosis cannot
be roused completely.

narcotic drugsSee opioid analgesic
nasal congestionPartial blockage of
the nasal passage caused by swelling
of the mucous membranethat lines the
nose. Nasal congestion is sometimes
accompanied by the accumulation of
thick nasal mucus.
Nasal congestion is a symptom of the
common coldand of hay fever (see
rhinitis, allergic); it may also be caused
by certain drugs. The swelling may
become persistent in disorders such as
chronic sinusitisor nasal polyps.
Steam inhalation can help to loosen
the mucus. This involves placing the
head over a basin of hot water, possibly
with the addition of aromatic oils such
as menthol or eucalyptus, and inhaling
the steam for several minutes. Decon-
gestant drugsin the form of drops and
sprays should be used sparingly; tablets
and syrups may be recommended for
long-term use. Persistent nasal conges-
tion should be investigated by a doctor.
nasal dischargeThe emission of fluid
from the nose. Nasal discharge is com-
monly caused by inflammation of the
mucous membrane lining the nose and
is often accompanied by nasal congestion.
A discharge of mucus may indicate
allergic rhinitis, a cold, or an infection
that has spread from the sinuses (see
sinusitis). A persistent runny discharge
may be an early indication of a tumour
(see nasopharynx, cancer of).
Bleeding from the nose (see nose-
bleed) is usually caused by injury or a
foreign body in the nose. A discharge of
cerebrospinal fluid from the nose may
follow a fracture at the base of the skull.
nasal obstructionBlockage of the nasal
passage on 1 or both sides of the nose.
The most common cause of nasal
obstruction is inflammation of the muc-
ous membranelining the passage (see
nasal congestion). Other causes include
deviation of the nasal septum, nasal pol-
yps, a haematoma(a collection of clotted
blood) usually caused by injury, and,
rarely, a cancerous tumour. In children,
enlargement of the adenoidsis the most
common cause of nasal obstruction.
nasal polypA growth in the lining of the
nose, usually attached by a small stalk.



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