Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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For instance, ascites(accumulation of
fluid between organs) may be a symp-
tom of cancer or disease of the heart,
kidneys, or liver; swelling may also be
due to intestinal obstruction (see intes-
tine,obstruction of) or an ovarian cyst.
Diagnosis of the underlying cause may
involve abdominal X-rays, ultrasound
scanning,laparotomy,or laparoscopy. In
ascites, some fluid between organs may
be drained for examination.
abdominal thrustA first-aidtreatment
for choking, in which sharp upward pres-
sure is applied to the upper abdomen
to dislodge a foreign body obstructing
the airway. The technique is also known
as the Heimlich manoeuvre.
abdominal X-rayAn X-ray examina-
tion of the abdominal contents. X-rays
can show whether any organ is enlarged
and can detect swallowed foreign bod-
ies in the digestive tract. They also show
patterns of fluid and gas: distended
loops of bowel containingfluid often
indicate an obstruction (see intestine,
obstruction of); gas outside the intestine
indicates intestinal perforation.
Calcium, which is opaque to X-rays, is
present in most kidney stones (see
calculus,urinary tract) and in some
gallstonesand aortic aneurysms; these
can sometimes be detected on an
abdominal X-ray.
abducent nerveThe 6th cranial nerve.
It supplies the lateral rectus muscle of
each eye, which is responsible for mov-
ing the eyeball outwards. The nerve
originatesin the pons (part of the brain-
stem) and passes along the base of the
brain, entering the back of the eye socket
through a gap between the skull bones.
abductionMovement of a limb away
from the central line of the body, or of a
digit away from the axis of a limb. Mus-
cles that carry out this movement are
called abductors. (See also adduction.)
ablationRemoval or destruction of dis-
eased tissue by excision (cutting away),
cryosurgery (freezing), radiotherapy, dia-
thermy(burning), or laser treatment.
abnormalityA physical deformity or
malformation, a behavioural or mental
problem, or a variation from normal in
the structure or function of a cell, tis-
sue, or organ in the body.

ABO blood groupsSee blood groups.
abortifacientAn agent that causes abor-
tion. In medical practice, abortion is
induced using prostaglandin drugs,
often given as vaginal pessaries.
abortionIn medical terminology, either
spontaneous abortion (see miscarriage)
or medically induced termination of
pregnancy (see abortion,induced).
abortion, inducedMedically induced
termination of pregnancy. Abortion may
be performed if continuation of the
pregnancy would risk the woman’s life,
if the mental or physical health of the
woman or her existing children is at
risk, or if there is a substantial risk of
handicap to the baby.
Depending on the stage of pregnancy,
termination may be induced by using
drugs or by the surgical technique of
vacuum suction curettage, under either
a general or local anaesthetic, during
which the fetal and placental tissues are
removed.Complications are rare.
abrasionAlso called a graze, a wound
on the skin surface that is caused by
scraping or rubbing.
abrasion, dentalThe wearing away of
tooth enamel, often accompanied by the
erosion of dentine (the layer beneath
the enamel) and cementum (the bone-
like tissue that covers the tooth root),
usually through too-vigorous brushing.
Abraded areas are often sensitive to
cold or hot food or drink, and a desensi-
tizing toothpaste and/or protection with
a bonding (see bonding, dental) agent or
fillingmay be needed.
abreactionIn psychoanalysis, the pro-
cess of becoming consciously aware of
repressed (buried) thoughts and feelings.
In Freudian theory, abreaction ideally
occurs by way of catharsis.
abscessA collection of pusformed as a
result of infection by microorganisms,
usually bacteria. Abscesses may develop
in any organ and in the soft tissues
beneath the skin in any area. Common
sites include the armpit, breast (see
breast abscess), groin, and gums (see
abscess,dental). Rarer sites include the
liver (see liver abscess) and the brain
(see brain abscess).
Common bacteria, such as staphylo-
cocci, are the usual cause of abscesses,



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