Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

(nextflipdebug5) #1
after ovulation, releases progesterone
during the 2nd half of the cycle.
After its release, the ovum travels along
the fallopian tubeand, if fertilizationdoes
not occur, is shed during menstruation.
Regular menstruation usually means that
ovulation is occurring, except around
pubertyand approaching the menopause.
ovumThe egg cell (female cell of repro-
duction). An ovum contains a nucleus
suspended in cytoplasm (a gel-like sub-
stance) and is surrounded by a protective
layer, the zona pellucida.

About 1 millionimmature ova are pre-
sent in each ovaryat birth, but only
about 200 per ovary mature to be
released at ovulation. A fertilizedovum
develops into an embryo.
oxazepamA benzodiazepine drugused
as a short-term treatment for anxiety.
Oxazepam may cause dependence if it
is taken regularly for more than 2 weeks
(see drug dependence).
oximeterAn instrument used for mea-
suring the oxygen content of the blood.
oxprenololA beta-blocker drugthat is
used in the treatment of hypertension,
angina, and cardiacarrhythmias. Ox-
prenolol may also be used to relieve
symptoms of anxietyand control those
of hyperthyroidism.
oxybutyninA drug that is used to treat
frequent urination (see urination, fre-
quent) by increasing the bladder’s
capacity. Common side effects include
dry mouth and blurred vision.

oxygenA colourless, odourless gas that
makes up 21 per cent of the Earth’s atmo-
sphere. Oxygen is essential for almost all
forms of life, including humans, because
it is necessary for the metabolic “burn-
ing” of foods to produce energy – a
process that takes place in body cells
and is known as aerobicmetabolism.
Oxygen is absorbed through the lungs
and into the blood, where it binds to
the haemoglobinin red blood cells. As
oxygen-rich blood circulates around the
body, the oxygen is released from the
red blood cells into the body tissues.
Additional supplies of oxygen are used
to treat conditions such as severe bron-
chitisor hypoxia. High-pressure oxygen
(see hyperbaric oxygen treatment) is
sometimes used to treat decompression
sicknessor carbon monoxidepoisoning.
(See also ozone.)
oxygen concentrator An appliance
used in oxygen therapythat separates
oxygen from the air and mixes it back in
at a greater concentration. This oxygen-
enriched air is delivered through a tube
for prolonged inhalation. The appliance
is used by people who have persistent
hypoxiadue to severe chronic obstruc-
tive pulmonary disease (see pulmonary
disease, chronic obstructive). (See also
hyperbaric oxygen treatment.)
oxygen therapyThe process of supply-
ing a person with oxygen-enriched air
to relieve severe hypoxia(inadequate




Oxygen tube



keeps the




Zona pellucida

Cell from
ovarian follicle

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