Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

(nextflipdebug5) #1

-pathyA suffix that denotes a disease
or disorder.
PCRAn abbreviation for polymerase
chain reaction.
peak-flow meterA piece of equipment
that measures the maximum speed at
which air can flow out of the lungs. A
peak-flow meter is useful in assessing
the severity of bronchospasm, and is
most commonly used to diagnose asth-
ma, monitor patients with asthma, and
assess response to asthma treatment.
The peak flow is measured by taking a
deep breath and breathing out with max-
imum effort through the mouthpiece.

peau d’orangeA condition in which
the skin has a normal colour but looks
like orange peel. The skin’s dimpled
appearance is due to fluid retention in
the nearby lymph vessels.
pectoralA medical term that means
relating to the chest, as in the major
and minor pectoral muscles.
pediculosisAny type of louse infesta-
tion. (See lice;pubic lice.)
peer reviewProcesses by which doc-
tors and scientists review the work of
colleagues in the same field. Peer review
is used to maintain standards.
pellagraA potentially fatal nutritional
disorder caused by deficiency of niacin
(see vitamin B complex) and resulting in
dermatitis, diarrhoea, and dementia. Pel-
lagra occurs primarily in poor rural
communities in parts of the world, such

as areas of India, where people subsist
on maize. Most of the niacin in maize is
unabsorbable unless the maize is treat-
ed with an alkali such as limewater.
Disorders such as carcinoid syndrome
and inflammatory bowel diseasemay
also be a cause of pellagra.
The 1st symptoms are weakness, weight
loss, lethargy, depression, irritability,
and inflammation and itching of skin
exposed to sunlight. In acute attacks,
weeping blisters may develop on the
affected skin, and the tongue becomes
swollen and painful. Diagnosis is made
from the patient’s condition and dietary
history. Daily intake of niacin and a var-
ied diet usually bring about a cure.
pelvic examinationExamination of a
woman’s external and internal genitalia.
After examination of the external geni-
talia, a speculumis inserted into the
vagina to allow a clear view of the cervix.
Acervical smear testmay be performed.
The doctor inserts 2 fingers into the vagi-
na and, with the other hand, feels the
abdomen to evaluate the position and
size of the uterus and the ovaries and to
detect any tenderness or swelling.
pelvic floor exercisesA programme of
exercises to strengthen the muscles and
tighten the ligaments at the base of the
abdomen, which form the pelvic floor.
These muscles and ligaments support
the uterus, vagina, bladder, urethra, and
rectum. Performing the exercises may
help to prevent prolapse of the uterus
(see uterus, prolapse of) and urinary
stress incontinence (see incontinence,
urinary). They may also help women who
find achieving orgasmdifficult.
The pelvic floor muscles are those that
tighten when urine flow is stopped mid-
stream. The exercises involve stopping
and starting urine flow several times by
contracting and relaxing the muscles.
Ideally, they should be performed for 5
minutes every hour throughout the day.
They can be done standing, sitting, or
lying down, by imagining that urine is
being passed, contracting and holding
the muscles for 10 seconds, and then
slowly releasing them, repeating 5–10
times as often as possible.
pelvic infectionAn infection in the
female reproductive system. Severe or






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