Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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person is usually monitored with regular
scans, and the clot may clear up on its
own.(See also extradural haemorrhage.)
sublimationIn psychoanalytic theory, the
unconscious process by which primitive,
unacceptable impulses are redirected in-
to socially acceptable forms of behaviour.
sublingualA term meaning under the
tongue. Drugs taken sublingually, either
as tablets or spray, are rapidly absorbed
into the bloodstream via the lining of
the mouth. For example, nitrate tablets
are given sublingually to provide rapid
relief of an angina attack.
subluxated toothA tooth displaced in
its socket as the result of an accident.
The upper front teeth are the most
vulnerable. A subluxated tooth can usu-
ally be manipulated back into position,
and is then immobilized (see splinting,

dental). If the tooth’s blood vessels are
torn, root-canal treatmentis required.
subluxationIncomplete dislocationof a
joint, in which the surfaces of the bones
remain in partial contact.
submucous resectionAn operation to
correct a deviated nasal septum.
subphrenic abscessAn abscessunder
the diaphragm.
substance abuseThe use of drugs or
other substances for a purpose other
than that which is normally recommen-
ded. Stimulant drugs, solvents, and
glue, are all commonly abused. Prob-
lems may arise due to adverse effects or
from the habit-forming potential of the
substance. (See also drug abuse.)
substrateA substance on which an
sucking chest woundAn open wound
in the chest wall through which air pas-
ses, causing the lung on that side to
collapse. Severe breathlessness and a
life-threatening lack of oxygen result.
sucralfateAn ulcer-healing drugused
to treat peptic ulcer. Possible side effects
are constipation and abdominal pain.
suctionThe removal of unwanted fluid or
semi-fluid material from the body with
a syringe and hollow needle or with an
intestinal tube and a mechanical pump.
suction lipectomyA cosmetic proced-
ure, also called liposuction, that is used
in body contour surgery.
sudden deathSee death, sudden.
sudden infant death syndromeThe
sudden, unexpected death of an infant
that cannot be explained.
Possible risk factors include: laying
the baby face-down to sleep; overheat-
ing; parental smoking after the birth;
prematurityand low birth weight; and
poor socioeconomic background.
Preventive measures include: ensuring
that the baby sleeps on its back at the
foot of the cot; regulating the baby’s
temperature (using the same amount of
clothing and blankets that an adult
would need); and stopping smoking.
Sudeck’s atrophySwelling and loss of
use of a hand or foot after a fractureor
other injury. Treatment includes eleva-
tion of the affected hand or foot, gentle
exercise, and heat treatment. Full recov-
ery is usual within about 4 months.






Skull Skull

Blood clot
brain and



Dura mater



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