Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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tabes dorsalisA rare complication of
untreated syphilisthat appears years after
infection. The condition causes abnor-
malities of sensation, sharp pains,
incoordination, and incontinence.
tachycardiaAn adult heart rate of over
100 beats per minute. The average heart
rate is 72–78 beats per minute. Tachy-
cardia occurs in healthy people during
exercise. At rest, it may be due to fever,
anxiety, hyperthyroidism, coronary artery
disease, high caffeineintake, or treatment
involving anticholinergic or diuretic drugs.
There are various types of tachycardia,
which originate in different areas of the
heart; the types include atrial fibrillation,
sinus tachycardia, supraventricular tachy-
cardia, and ventricular tachycardia.
tachypnoeaAn abnormally fast rate of
breathing, which may be caused by exer-
cise, anxiety, or lung or cardiac disorders.
T’ai chiA Chinese exercise system based
on a series of over 100 postures between
which slow, continuous movements are
made. The aim is to exercise the muscles
and integrate mind and body.
talipesA birth defect(commonly called
club-foot) in which the foot is twisted
out of shape or position. The cause may
be pressure on the feet from the mother’s
uterus, or a genetic factor. The most
common form is an equinovarus defor-
mity, in which the heel turns inwards
and the rest of the foot bends down and
inwards. It is treated by repeated
manipulation of the foot and ankle,
starting soon after birth. A plaster cast,
splint, or strappingmay be used to hold
the foot in position. If this is not suc-
cessful, surgery will be needed.
talusThe square-shaped foot bone that
forms the ankle joint together with the
tibiaand fibula.
tamoxifenAn anticancer drugthat is
used to treat certain forms of breast can-
cer, and, sometimes, to treat some types

of infertility. It may cause nausea, vomit-
ing, hot flushes, swollen ankles, and
irregular vaginal bleeding.
tamponA plug of absorbent material
inserted into a wound or body opening to
soak up blood or other secretions. The
term commonly refers to a vaginal tam-
pon, used to absorb menstrual blood.
tamponadeCompression of the heart by
fluid within the pericardium, which may
cause breathlessness and collapse. Caus-
es include pericarditis, complications after
heart surgery, or a chest injury. A diag-
nosis is made by echocardiography, and
the fluid is removed through a needle.
tamsulosin An alpha-blocker drugused
for the treatment of urinary symptoms
due to an enlarged prostate gland (see
prostate,enlarged). Side effects include
low blood pressure, drowsiness, dry
mouth, and gastrointestinal disturbances.
tanSee suntan.
tanninAlso known as tannic acid, a
chemical that occurs in many plants, par-
ticularly tea. It may cause constipation,
and large amounts cause liver damage.
tantrumAn outburst of bad behaviour,
common in toddlers, usually indicating
frustration and anger.
tapeworm infestationTapeworms (ces-
todes) are ribbon-shaped worms that
infest the intestines of humans and ani-
mals. They are usually acquired by
eating undercooked meat or fish. Tape-
worms from beef, pork, and fish usually
only cause mild abdominal discomfort
or diarrhoea. However, if eggs of pork
worms are ingested, the hatched larvae
burrow into tissues to form cysts. This
leads to cysticerosis, the symptoms of
which are muscle pain and convulsions.
Rarely, fish tapeworms cause anaemia.
Dwarf tapeworms, common in the trop-
ics, can cause diarrhoea and abdominal
discomfort. Tapeworms acquired from
dogs cause hydatid disease. A diagnosis
is made from the presence of worm seg-
ments or eggs in the faeces. Treatment
is with anthelmintic drugs.
tardive dyskinesiaAbnormal, uncon-
trolled movements, mainly of the face,
tongue, mouth, and neck. Tardive dyski-
nesia may be caused by prolonged use
of antipsychotic drugs, and is distinct
from parkinsonism.




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