Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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tennis elbowPain and tenderness on
the outside of the elbow and in the back
of the forearm. Commonly called epicon-
dylitis, it is caused by inflammation of
the tendonthat attaches the muscles
that straighten the fingers and wrist to the
humerus. Treatment consists of resting
the arm, applying ice-packs, and taking
analgesic drugs or nonsteroidal anti-
inflammatory drugs(NSAIDs). Ultrasound
treatment, injection of a corticosteroid
drug, or surgery are sometimes needed.
tenosynovitisInflammation of the lin-
ing of the sheath that surrounds a
tendon. The usual cause is excessive fric-
tion caused by repetitive movements;
bacterial infection is a rare cause. The
hands and wrists are most often affect-
ed. Symptoms include pain, tenderness,
and swelling over the tendon. Treatment
is with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs(NSAIDs) or a local injection of a
corticosteroid drug. However, if infection
is the cause,antibiotic drugs are pre-
scribed. Asplintto immobilize the joint,
or surgery, may also be needed.
tenovaginitisInflammation or thicken-
ing of the fibrous wall of the sheath that
surrounds a tendon.
TENSAbbreviation for transcutaneous
electrical nerve stimulation, a method
of pain relief. Minute electrical impulses,
which block pain messages to the brain,
are relayed from an impulse generator
to electrodes attached to the skin in the

area of the pain. TENS can help relieve
chronic pain not controlled by analgesic
drugsand may be used in childbirth.
tensionA feeling of mental and physical
strain associated with anxiety. Muscle
tension may cause headaches and stiff-
ness in muscles. Persistent tension is
related to generalized anxiety disorder.
(See also stress.)
teratogenA physical, chemical, or bio-
logical agent, such as radiation, the
drug thalidomide, and the rubellavirus,
that causes abnormalities in a develop-
ing embryoor fetus.
teratomaA primary tumourconsisting
of cells totally unlike those normally
found in that part of the body.
terbinafineAn antifungal drugused to
treat fungal nail or skin infections. Side
effects are rare with topical use but may
include local irritation. Taken as tablets,
the drug may cause nausea, abdominal
pain, and, occasionally a rash.
terbutalineA bronchodilator drug used
to treat asthmaand chronic obstructive
pulmonary disease, and also to prevent
premature labour. Possible adverse ef-
fects include nervousness, restlessness,
tremor, nausea, and palpitations.
terminal careSee dying, care of the.
termination of pregnancySee abor-
tion, induced.
testicleSee testis.
testicular feminization syndromeA
rare inherited condition in which a gen-
etic male with internal testeshas the
external appearance of a female. The syn-
drome is a form of intersexand is the
most common form of male pseudoher-
maphroditism. The cause is a defective
response of the body tissues to testos-
terone. The causative genes are carried
on the X chromosome, and so females
can be carriers. Affected individuals ap-
pear to be girls throughout childhood,
and most develop female secondary
sexual characteristics at puberty; but
amenorrhoea occurs, and a diagnosis is
usually made during investigations to
find its cause. Chromosome analysis
shows the presence of male chromo-
somes and blood tests show male levels
of testosterone. Treatment of testicular
feminization syndrome involves surgi-
cal removal of the testes, to prevent





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