Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

(nextflipdebug5) #1

when 2 eggs are fertilized at the same
time. They each have a placenta and
may be of different sexes. Twins occur in
about 1 in 80 pregnancies. (See also
pregnancy, multiple.)
twins, conjoinedIdentical twinsphysi-
cally joined due to a failure to separate
during development from a single fertil-
ized egg. Also called Siamese twins.
twitchSee fasciculation; tic.
tympanic membraneThe medical term
for the eardrum.
tympanometryA type of hearing test
used to establish the cause of conduc-
tive deafness. During the test, a probe
that contains a tone generator, a micro-
phone, and an air pump is introduced
into the outer-ear canal. The air pres-
sure in the ear is varied and tones are
played into it. The tone pattern reflect-
ed from the eardrumand received by
the microphone sreveals whether the
eardrum is moving normally. The test is
particularly useful in children because it
does not rely on a response from the
person being tested.
tympanoplastyAn operation on the
ear to treat conductive deafness by
repairing a hole in the eardrum (see
myringoplasty) or by repositioning or
reconstructing diseased ossicles.
typhoid feverAn infectious disease
contracted by eating food or drinking
water contaminated with the bacterium
SALMONELLA TYPHI. Typhoid fever is
spread by drinking water contaminated

with sewage, by
flies carrying the
bacteria from fae-
ces to food, or by
infected people
handling food.
The 1st symptom,
severe headache,
occurs 7–14 days
after infection and
is followed by fever,
loss of appetite,
malaise, abdominal
tenderness, consti-
pation, and often
delirium. Diarrhoea
soon develops. In
the 2nd week of ill-
ness, pink spots
develop on the chest and abdomen,
and the liver and spleenenlarge. Diag-
nosis is confirmed by a blood test or by
obtaining a cultureof typhoid bacteria
from blood, faeces, or urine. Treatment
is with antibiotic drugs. In rare cases,
the bacterium continues to be excreted
after recovery has taken place.
typhusAny of a group of infectious dis-
eases with similar symptoms that are
caused by rickettsiaeand are spread by
insects or similar animals.
Except in some highland areas of
tropical Africa and South America, epi-
demic typhus is rare today. Endemic
typhus, also called murine typhus, is a
disease of rats that is occasionally
spread to humans by fleas; sporadic
cases occur in North and Central Amer-
ica. Scrub typhus is spread by mitesand
occurs in India and Southeast Asia.
The symptoms and complications of
all types of typhus are similar. Severe
headache, back and limb pain, cough-
ing, and constipation develop suddenly
and are followed by high fever, a
measles-like rash, confusion, and pros-
tration. Left untreated, the condition
may be fatal, especially in elderly or
debilitated people.
A diagnosis is made by blood tests,
and treatment is with antibiotic drugs
and supportive treatment.
typingA general term for procedures by
which blood or tissues are classified
(see blood groups;tissue-typing).




Placenta Placenta





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