Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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diverticular diseaseand cancer of the
intestine (see colon, cancer of; rectum,
cancer of). Vegetarian diets are low in
fats, especially saturated fats (which may
contribute to coronary artery disease
and possibly some forms of cancer).
These diets are also likely to contain
less sodiumand more potassium, and
vegetarians tend to have lower blood
pressure than people who eat meat.
vegetative stateA term that is some-
times used to describe a type of
indefinite deep coma. Although the
eyes may be open and occasional ran-
dom movements of the head and limbs
may occur, there are no other signs of
consciousness, and there is no respon-
siveness to stimuli. Only the basic
functions, such as breathing and heart-
beat, are maintained.
veinA vessel that returns blood towards
the heartfrom the various organs and
tissues of the body. The walls of veins,
like those of arteries, consist of a
smooth inner lining, a muscular middle
layer, and a fibrous outer covering.
However, blood pressure in veins is
lower than in arteries, and the walls of
veins are thinner, less elastic, less mus-
cular, and weaker than those of arteries.
The linings of many veins contain folds,
which act as valves, ensuring that blood
flows only towards the heart. Blood is
helped on its way through the veins by
pressure on the vessel walls from the
contraction of surrounding muscles.
(See also circulatory system.)

veins, disorders ofCommon disorders
affecting veinsinclude varicose veins,
deep vein thrombosis (see thrombosis,
deep vein), and thrombophlebitis.
vena cavaEither of 2 large veinsinto
which all circulating (deoxygenated) blood
drains. The venae cavae (superior and
inferior) deliver blood to the right atrium
of the heartfor pumping to the lungs.

The superior vena cava starts at the top
of the chest, close to the sternum, and
passes down through the pericardium
before connecting to the right atrium. It
collects blood from the upper trunk,
head, neck, and arms. The inferior vena
cava starts in the lower abdomen and
travels upwards in front of the spine,
behind the liver, and through the dia-
phragmbefore joining the right atrium.
It collects blood from the legs, pelvic
organs, liver, and kidneys.
venepunctureA common procedure in
which a vein, usually in the forearm, is
pierced with a needle to inject fluid or
withdraw blood. A tourniquetis used to
swell the veins, and a sterile needle is
inserted. A syringe is attached to the
needle if bloodis to be taken or medica-
tion injected. For intravenous infusion, a
cannula (tube) is insertedvia the needle.
After the fluid has been injected or
withdrawn, the needle or cannula is
removed. The area is then covered and



Outer layer

Inner lining

Valve flap

Muscle layer


Carotid artery




Jugular vein


vena cava

vena cava

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