Bma Illustrated Medical Dictionary

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pressure applied to stop any bleeding.
The procedure is not usually painful but
may cause some discomfort.
venereal diseasesSee sexually trans-
mitted infections.
venereologyThe medical discipline
concerned with the study and treatment
of sexually transmitted infections.
venesectionThe process of withdrawing
blood from a veinfor blood donationor
therapeutic bloodletting. Regular blood-
lettingis performed in the treatment of
polycythaemiaand haemochromatosis.
venlafaxineA serotonin and noradren-
aline reuptake inhibitor (SNRI) drug
used in the treatment of depression.
Venlafaxine combines the effects of sel-
ective serotonin reuptake inhibitorsand
tricyclic antidepressants to produce fewer
side effects than other types of anti-
depressant. Side effects may include
nausea, dry mouth, and constipation.
venographyA diagnostic procedurethat
enables veinsto be seen on an X-ray
film after they have been injected with a
substance opaque to X-rays. It is used
to detect abnormalities or diseases of
the veins, such as narrowing or blockage
from thrombosis.
venomous bites and stingsThe injec-
tion of venom by certain animals via
their mouthparts (bites) or other inject-
ing apparatus (stings). Venoms are often
carried to discourage predators, and are
sometimes used to kill or immobilize
prey. It is rare for a venomous animal to
attack a person unless it has been pro-
voked or disturbed. Specific antivenoms

are available to treat many, though not
all, types of animal venom. (See also
insect stings; jellyfish stings; scorpion
stings; snake bites; spider bites.)
ventilationThe use of a machine called a
ventilatorto take over or assist breathing.
Arrested or severely impaired breathing
may be due to head injury, brain dis-
ease, an overdose of opioid drugs, chest
injury, respiratory disease, a nerve or
muscle disorder, or major chest or ab-
dominal surgery. Ventilation may be
needed if a muscle relaxant has been
given during an operation as part of
general anaesthesia. Premature babies
with respiratory distress syndromemay
also need ventilation for a period until
their lungs develop sufficiently. Positive
pressure ventilation (continuous pump-
ing of air under high pressure) may be
used in the home in the treatment
of sleep apnoea.
ventilatorA device used for the artifi-
cial ventilationof a person who is
unable to breathe naturally. A ventilator
is an electrical pump connected to an
air supply that works like bellows. Air is
directed through a tube passed down
the windpipe to inflate the lungs. The air
is then expelled by the natural elasticity
of the lungs and ribcage. A valve on the
ventilator prevents the expelled air from
re-entering the lungs.
ventilatory failureA life-threatening
condition in which the amount of car-
bon dioxide in the blood rises, and the
amount of oxygen falls, due to disrup-
tion of the normal exchange of gases






Wall of vein





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