42 | http://www.nationalreview.com MARCH 23 , 2020
The Long View BY ROB LONG
HUMAABEDIN:From high atop the
HillaryDome, in a pantsuit made
entirely out of right-wing tears, it’s the
Hiiiiillllllllarrrrry Cllllllinnntonnnn
(Pre-recorded applause)
Hahahaha. That’s a fun introduction,
Huma, and I am enjoying the fun and
lively nature of it, by laughing as I
did just now and will again, as soon
as I finish this sentence. Hahahaha
hahaha. Haha. Fun!
HUMAABEDIN:We’ve got a great
show today, Hillary.
HILLARYCLINTON:We do! I’m really
excited to dive into it. We’re going to
talk politics and policy and maybe
even throw a little pop culture into
the mix, but before we do I want to
talk a little bit about mattresses. You
know, on the campaign trail or at
home in Chappaqua with my hus-
band with whom I live in a normal
marriage that isn’t weird or transac-
tional at all, you know, I... was talk-
ing about... um...
HUMAABEDIN:Casper Mattresses! Just
the right give, just the right bounce!
Friends, we’re proud to have Casper
Mattresses as a sponsor of HillaryPod,
and I’m not just a fan of their ad -
vanced technology and superior con-
struction, I’m also here to say that I
get a great night’s sleep on the
Casper Mattress in my bedroom—
our bedroom—ours. Our bedroom.
HUMA ABEDIN: Great product!
Wonderful sponsor! Hey, let’s talk
(Pre-recorded applause)
times, am I right? Been there, done
that, as the kids say. Folks, here’s
my analysis. Sorry to see Pete and
Amy go—both of them were terrific
second- or third-tier candidates—
and glad that the party is focusing on
choosing between Bernie or Joe, who
as you know I am just a total fan of.
Joe is the best, really. And from my
perspective, if it has to be one or the
other to face Donald Trump in
November, well, hey, I say let’s all
give Joe the nod and hope that his
current behavior isn’t indicative of
some kind of advanced dementia or
maybe he’s just tired, I don’t know.
There’s so much here that we can’t
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(Pre-recorded applause)
HUMAABEDIN:You know, Hills, I
was just browsing around the Web
and saw a fun website that’s a
Square Space site for sure,
called—and I know this is gonna
make you crazy—but it’s called
“hillaryin2020.com” and it’s—
am laughing really hard at this
humorous and totally spontaneous
thing you are saying! Hahahaha.
Haha. Hahaha.
HUMAABEDIN:Well, you know, it’s
interesting, because there really is a
movement out there to draft you for
the nomination. It’s been a crazy
process and it seems like voters aren’t
happy with either Biden or Bernie—
talked about this on the last podcast.
HUMAABEDIN: And the podcast
before that.
HILLARYCLINTON:Well, let me just
make sure I’m clear with the folks
that are all, Oh Hillary you have to
run, Oh Hillary you’re amazing and
the best and a hero and you deserve
it, and Oh Hillary we are unworthy of
your greatness, and Oh Hillary we
shall sacrifice a baby human on your
altar and set fire to—
HUMAABEDIN:You were saying?
About the Draft Hillary movement?
was I? Oh, yeah, look, it’s such an
outlandish and unlikely-to-happen
event. I mean, what are people say-
ing? That Joe should win enough
delegates to stop Bernie and then at
the convention when it’s time to
choose, people realize that Joe
thinks he’s an astronaut on Planet
Nutso, and then they realize that I
actually got 3 million more votes
than Trump and that if I just spend
some time in Michigan and Wiscon -
sin it’ll be like a no-brainer? And
so then they call me from the hotel
where I’m staying, which is lucki-
ly really close to the convention
hall, and I walk the floor and every-
one is cheering and whatnot? I
mean, really?
HUMAABEDIN:So you’re ruling it
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(Pre-recorded applause)
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