Early Access
Attract Mode
16 / wfmag.cc
Alien Hominid
Developer The Behemoth is returning to its
breakout hit for the studio’s fifth game, with
Alien Hominid Invasion acting as a ‘reimagining’
of the original Alien Hominid HD. For those
bereft of memory, that game was a distinct
throwback to arcade shooters of yore –
since imitated widely, it’s still a great. We’re
looking forward to seeing what the team does
with Invasion.
A Colorful Tale
Dogs! Always with the dogs. Anyway, Chicory:
A Colorful Tale might have to suffer through
that terrible American spelling, but it does still
look magical all the same. Fittingly, you play as
a pooch with a magic paintbrush, tasked with
restoring colour to the world. You do this by
exploring and solving puzzles, helping other
creatures along the way. It’s Ōkami by way of
Animal Crossing, basically, and it’s something to
keep an eye on for those of us looking for some
true escapism.
In Other Waters
Simplistic presentation and straightforward
design mask a more complex narrative in this
one, with players controlling an AI and having
to guide a stranded xenobiologist through
unknown waters on a voyage of discovery.
Exploration, discovery, research, and –
importantly – forming a strong bond are the key
elements here. This could be a good ‘un.
Summer in Mara
We’re suckers for a good life simulator, and
yes that is the genre we’re going with here;
Summer in Mara looks to be another one that
could potentially eat up many an hour as we go
about... well, existing in this tropical archipelago.
Since its success on Kickstarter, the project has
come along a fair bit – but the core remains:
exploration, crafting, and that all-important
farming to get on with. Mixed in with a bit of
Wind Waker-style sailing, and you’ve got just
enough of a USP to make Summer in Mara that
bit fresher than the bevy of other exist-‘em-ups
(that’s a better genre name) doing the rounds.