Wireframe - #33 - 2020

(Barry) #1


52 / wfmag.cc

Developer Profile / Peter Molyneux

The Entrepreneur
Molyneux’s first game set the tone: you ran a
business, making and selling things, setting
prices, buying advertising and so on (like the
above image, which isn’t actually of the game
because... it seems to have disappeared from
existence). It was not a success and – take it
with a pinch of salt – sold a total of two copies,
one apparently to his mum.

Dungeon Keeper
PC / Mac 1997
Even the option to be benevolent flew out the
window with Dungeon Keeper, as Molyneux
grew into his role as tyrant-in-chief behind the
scenes (this is entirely conjecture). Another
game of building, management, and slapping
imps, Dungeon Keeper proved both brilliant
and wickedly funny – an element of Molyneux’s
output that tends to be forgotten these days.

Druid II: Enlightenment
Amiga 1988
The first project for Bullfrog was this port of
a C64 original made by a friend of Molyneux.
A Gauntlet-alike, Druid II: Enlightenment was
at the very least half-decent; it played well, it
was technically sound – it did the job. But more
than that, it offered a springboard to greater
things for the new studio, and for Molyneux’s
creativity. And his tall tales, but we’ll get to that.

Amiga / multi 1989
Here it was: the moment Peter Molyneux
invented God (games). Populous was unlike
anything we’d ever seen before, bringing the
sort of creative freedom that comes with a
mind approaching the industry from the outside.
This was a game made by a man who had spent
time exporting beans, who was able to see the
bigger picture. And it changed gaming forever.

Theme Park
PC / multi 1994
Other big Bullfrog games popped up in
intervening years, but Theme Park was the
first one in a while to feel very Molyneux.
Aside from the whole ‘floating unseen power’
role the player took, there was also the
unmistakable ‘Peter air’ to things with the whole
micromanaging stock, rearranging debt with the
bank, and dealing with the park’s labour union.

Molyneux’s megamix

10 of Pete’s performances, picked

Frogs and lions and cans, oh my

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