Wireframe - #33 - 2020

(Barry) #1


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Peter Molyneux \^ Developer Profile

PC / Mac / iOS / Android 2014
While the winner of Curiosity was promised
a shot at being a god in Godus, he’s probably
glad that didn’t happen. This was meant to
be a return to the greatness of Populous, and
instead 22cans’ first proper game... wasn’t.
Half-baked, half-finished (on PC, at least), and
not the sort of thing to change gaming forever

  • except for the worse.

Black & White
PC / Mac 2001
He’d made big promises before, but it was
arguably Black & White where the boy who cried
wolf came out to play. Black & White cast you
as a god; you could literally do anything a god
could do, the animal-deities would learn through
complicated AI algorithms, it would change
the world and so on and so forth. In reality, the
game was heavily delayed, then... alright.

Xbox / PC / Mac / X360 2004
And, of course, the big one on the list of porky
pies – Fable. While Molyneux was waxing
lyrical about an acorn growing into a tree as
you played, it would have been much better
to focus on the fact this was a stylish, funny,
and decidedly British action-RPG that was also
a lot of fun to play. Its reputation hasn’t been
tarnished, but the game gets an unfair rap.


What’s Inside the Cube?
iOS / Android 2012
Lionhead behind him, Molyneux moved to his
next grand promise: a life-changing prize for
whoever was first to break through a giant cube
to the delicious cube-cream inside. What this
involved was a lot of tapping, nothing else. And
that prize? The winner was promised the chance
to be a god, and some money. He got neither.

PC / Switch 2020
So here we are, awaiting 22cans’ next title with
bated breath in this brave new world where
Molyneux doesn’t actively promote things.
A successor of sorts to The Entrepreneur,
Legacy sees you tinkering, inventing, and selling
things in a Molyneux-ish way. We’ve needled
him over these pages, but genuinely we do
hope this a return to form for the man.

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