The Book

(Mustafa Malik5XnWk_) #1

Civilizations in Ankara, which is 200 kilometers (124 miles) west of the Hittite capital of Hattusa and
houses the most comprehensive exhibition of Hittite art and artifacts in the world.

Relationship Of Old Clan with the Indo European Races

In the annals of history, the Old Clan stands as a remarkable testament to the interconnectedness of
Indo-European civilizations. Descendants of the Indo-Europeans, this enigmatic clan maintained intricate
ties with various sovereignties, including the Celts, Baltics, Anatolians, North Germanic people, Italics,
Hellenic/Greek people, Iranians, and Persians. This article delves into the diplomatic strategies
employed by the Old Clan to nurture these relationships and explores the reasons for its survival to this

  1. Diplomatic Strategies to Maintain Ties with Indo-European Sovereignties:

The Old Clan's diplomatic prowess played a pivotal role in preserving their relationships with the diverse
Indo-European sovereignties. Their keen understanding of cultural sensitivities and a willingness to
embrace diversity allowed them to forge strong bonds through several diplomatic approaches:

a. Cultural Exchanges: The Old Clan recognized the power of cultural exchanges in building trust and
understanding. They facilitated the exchange of art, literature, and knowledge, which served to bridge
the gaps between different Indo-European civilizations.

b. Trade Relations: Trade acted as a powerful conduit for fostering ties between the Old Clan and Indo-
European societies. By engaging in commerce, they not only facilitated economic growth but also
promoted cultural understanding and mutual prosperity.

c. Military Cooperation: In times of external threats, the Old Clan cooperated with various Indo-
European sovereignties to defend common interests. Their shared defense against external adversaries
solidified their unity and commitment to safeguarding their ancestral heritage.

  1. Marriage Diplomacy: A Key Tool for Maintaining Ties:

Marriage diplomacy, an age-old practice, served as a crucial tool for the Old Clan to forge and maintain
relationships with different Indo-European sovereignties. By strategically arranging marriages between
members of the Old Clan and nobility from other Indo-European cultures, they solidified alliances and
created familial bonds that transcended political boundaries.

Through these intermarriages, the Old Clan not only secured support and protection from influential
ruling houses but also fostered cultural exchange and understanding between diverse societies. These
unions often led to shared values and traditions, further strengthening the fabric of their interconnected

  1. The Survival of the Old Clan:

The enduring survival of the Old Clan can be attributed to several key factors:

a. Adaptability: The Old Clan displayed remarkable adaptability, allowing them to thrive in different
geographical and cultural landscapes. Their willingness to embrace new ideas and integrate into diverse
societies ensured their survival through various historical epochs.

b. Resilience: The Old Clan faced numerous challenges and adversities throughout history, yet their
resilience and determination to preserve their lineage and heritage remained unwavering.

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