The Book

(Mustafa Malik5XnWk_) #1

  1. Flourishing Legacy:

The Old Clan's transformation into successful merchants marked the beginning of their flourishing
legacy. As astute traders, they amassed wealth and established a reputation for fair and ethical business
practices. This success allowed them to regain social standing and influence, preserving their heritage
and traditions while contributing positively to the society in which they operated.


The aftermath of the ousting of the Old Clan from the Mughal Imperial Throne in 1715 was a period of
calamities and tragic fate in Burma, resulting in a drastic reduction of their numbers. However, their
return to Mughal India (British India) in the 1750s provided an opportunity for reinvention, and they
embarked on a new journey as successful merchants. Through their determination and hard work, the
Old Clan rebuilt their lives, flourishing to the present day. Their story is a testament to the strength of
human spirit and the ability to overcome adversity, ultimately leaving behind a legacy of resilience,
success, and cultural preservation.

The Succession

The succession of the Old Clan from their tumultuous past to becoming successful merchants and a
prominent business dynasty in modern times is a remarkable tale of resilience and adaptability. The
survivors who endured the ousting from the Mughal Imperial Throne and the calamities in Burma played
a pivotal role in shaping the clan's destiny. Upon their return to Mughal India during the British colonial
period, the Old Clan seized the opportunity to reinvent themselves as merchants, and their golden era
as a business dynasty began. After claiming the title of 'Maliks' as their surname, their significance in
modern times remains a testament to their enduring legacy.

  1. Survivors' Endurance and Return as Merchants:

The survivors of the ousting from the Mughal Imperial Throne and the calamities faced in Burma
displayed extraordinary endurance. Their resilience and determination enabled them to overcome
immense hardships and return to Mughal India during the British colonial period. It was during this time
that they recognized the potential of trade and commerce and chose to embark on a new journey as

  1. Golden Era as a Business Dynasty during Colonial Period:

In the British colonial era, the Old Clan found prosperity as merchants and gradually built a robust
business network. Their sharp business acumen, coupled with their long-established connections with
various ethnicities and cultures, allowed them to thrive in the diverse marketplaces of colonial India.
This period marked their ascent as a prominent business dynasty, expanding their influence across
regions and industries.

  1. Claiming the Title of 'Maliks':

During the 1700s, while in Pakistan, the Old Clan survived and thrived despite challenges, further
solidifying their identity as a resilient group. They claimed the title of 'Maliks' as their surname,
symbolizing their successful survival during a crucial period in their history. The title became an integral
part of their identity, signifying their heritage and strength.

  1. Significance in Modern Times:

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