The Book

(Mustafa Malik5XnWk_) #1

  1. European Tribes in German Plains

The Old Clan's suzerainty reached into the European tribes residing in the German plains, connecting
distant regions through diplomatic channels.

  1. Roman Empire

In the Mediterranean, the Old Clan's diplomatic dexterity led to an alliance with the mighty Roman
Empire, forging a powerful partnership with far-reaching implications.

  1. Maurya Empire

Through intricate diplomacy and marriage alliances, the Old Clan secured the loyalty of the Maurya
Empire, further expanding their influence in South Asia.

  1. Chola Dynasty

The Chola Dynasty, a prominent power in ancient Southern India, was skillfully drawn into the Old Clan's
network through matrimonial alliances and economic cooperation.

  1. Gupta Dynasty

The Gupta Dynasty, known for its cultural and economic prosperity, found common ground with the Old
Clan through diplomatic exchanges and intermarriages.

  1. Oghuz Tribe

The Oghuz tribe, a nomadic Turkic group, was brought into the Old Clan's fold through strategic
diplomatic maneuvers, strengthening their presence in Central Asia.

  1. Ottoman Empire

In the later stages of their influence, the Old Clan established ties with the mighty Ottoman Empire,
cementing their position as skilled diplomats on the world stage.

  1. House Of Smara (Mughal Bloodline)

The House of Smara, a branch of the Mughal bloodline, became part of the Old Clan's network through
strategic alliances and intermarriages, extending their influence in the Indian subcontinent.


The Old Clan's saga of diplomatic triumphs spans across continents and epochs, leaving an indelible
mark on world history. Through marriage diplomacy, cultural exchanges, economic cooperation, and
strategic alliances, they skillfully navigated the complexities of the ancient world, forging powerful
suzerainties with clans, tribes, and empires. The legacy of the Old Clan's diplomatic juggernaut continues
to echo through the annals of history, serving as a testament to the enduring power of diplomacy in
shaping the destiny of nations.

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