The Source Book (1)

(Mustafa Malik5XnWk_) #1
The Diplomacies Of The Clan

According to the late history of this old clan; they
ancestors of this particular clan used many

diplomacies to attain other legendary dynasties or to

have suzerainty on tribes and clans.

Combat Diplomacy

The People of this clan used this diplomacy to defend
them from foreign invasions. It was used for several

years; they used to dominate possessions &

settlements in particular areas by this diplomacy.

The Manpower around the Aryan Settlements would

allow them to fight with the invading forces or to
invade any settlement if they wish.

Trade Diplomacy

It was a very rare diplomacy used in this clan to

have the suzerainty. The Clan would use economical

assets to attain possessions; such as they would buy
the particular land they want, they keep buying the

lands until the enemy is not assured of their real

intentions. It was one of the clever diplomacy used

by the ancestors to attain any possession they want.

Marriage Diplomacy

It was a sacred diplomacy which wasn’t told to
anyone. The main purpose of this diplomacy was to

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