The Source Book (1)

(Mustafa Malik5XnWk_) #1

The Reformation Of The Clan

Note: This is a text spoken by the reformer of this clan. It is a text regarding the reformation of the clan
known as Old Clan or the People Of The Master into the Imperial Clan Of Maliks.

After the destruction of the clan by the hand of their own people. They
were fallen, broken and many of them were persecuted in the exiled
country. After 50 years the clan’s survivors came back to their
homeland after the fall of the Mughal Possessions in Northern India.
The same place where they have migrated 5000 years ago. After all,
after German northern plains, the Northern Part of India was their

However, we cannot bring back the glory of more than 7500 of the Pro-
Indo European which gave birth to many tribes & dynasties. But we can
reform it into a sort of Remembrance of this such old clan which
dominated the whole world.

If the the world biggest empire; British Empire could make their own
remembrance dynasties then we could also make this clan ‘a sign of
glory’. If History was a joke, then this clan would be mentioned
attaining the suzerainty of one piece rather half of the world. The
Supreme Caste of This Old Clan or Master Race have always ruled and
will rule the world until God Wills. We ruled this world as Europeans,
Persians, Turks, Timurids, Mongols, as the great Aryan race. What you
will expect us now?

Now what you want to say? Is this a fairy tale or a sci fi sort of things?
Look the pyramids beneath them are a bunch of mystery of technology.
Then is this a mystery unrevealing about our 10000 years old
Settlements which made a sign of real glory.

Then I am assured that this clan was real not a fairy tale not a Hindu
myth not a Vedic myth not a gothic myth. Many religious books have

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