
(Brent) #1
BUSINESS SKILLS 2/2020 Business Spotlight 41

Illustrationen: Yann Bastard

  1. Promoting performance (BS 7/2019)
    The more senior leaders get, the more impor­
    tant it is that they manage others’ performance
    rather than their own. It may seem curious, but
    it’s actually simple mathematics. If you lead 200
    people, their sum performance is more impor­
    tant than that of one senior leader. Therefore,
    understanding how to cultivate and sustain a
    high­performing team environment becomes
    more vital for senior executives than their own
    stellar output. In fact, leading others becomes
    the core output of effective leaders.

A. What qualities do high-performing leaders

  1. They must be experts and highly experi­
    enced in a specific business sector.

  2. They need to delegate frequently.

  3. They must ensure that people in their teams
    and departments perform well.

  4. They should work longer hours than their
    team members.

B. To help people perform to a high standard,
what should leaders do?

  1. Give excellent feedback.

  2. Clarify people’s roles and responsibilities.

  3. Give financial bonuses.

  4. Provide the best training courses available
    on the market.

C. If leaders want to coach others to perform
to a high standard, what should they do?

  1. Tell people what to do and ensure they do it.

  2. Use questions to help people take more re­
    sponsibility and accountability.

  3. Do regular team­building.

  4. Be a role model.

D. Do you agree that leaders need to disci-
pline underperforming team members
with clear sanctions?

  1. Agree totally. People need to understand
    what happens if they don’t deliver.

  2. Agree partly. It’s important to show sympa­
    thy when people miss deadlines.

  3. Disagree mostly. Giving feedback is a better
    tool than using discipline.

  4. Disagree totally. Punishing people with
    sanctions will demotivate people.

output [(aUtpUt]
, Leistung
role mode
[(rEUl )mQd&l]
, Vorbild
senior: be ~ [(si:niE]
, hier: in einer höheren
Position sein
stellar [(stelE] ifml.
, herausragend

All for one: good
leaders promote
excellent teamwork
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