Smart Goals

(Rita SchoemanQR0pVf) #1
Goals should be solely outcome-focused: Many people believe that goals should only
focus on the end result or the desired outcome. However, it's important to consider the
process and the journey toward achieving the goal. Setting process-oriented goals helps you
develop the necessary skills, habits, and mindset required to reach your desired outcome.




Goals should be set in stone: Some individuals believe that once a goal is set, it should
remain fixed and unchanging. However, life is dynamic, and circumstances can change over
time. It's crucial to regularly review and adjust your goals as needed to ensure they align
with your current aspirations, values, and priorities.

Goals should be overly ambitious: While it's important to set challenging goals that push
you outside your comfort zone, setting overly ambitious goals can be counterproductive.
Unrealistic goals can lead to frustration, disappointment, and a sense of failure. It's essential
to strike a balance by setting goals that are challenging yet attainable with effort,
commitment, and time.

Goals are solely about the end result: Many people focus solely on the outcome and fail to
recognize the importance of the process and the journey toward their goals. The process of
working toward a goal provides valuable opportunities for learning, personal growth, and
self-discovery. Embracing the journey can be as fulfilling as achieving the end result




Goals should be pursued in isolation: Some individuals mistakenly believe that goals
should be pursued independently, without seeking support or collaboration. However,
involving others in your goal-setting process can provide accountability, motivation, and
valuable perspectives. Engaging with a supportive network or seeking guidance from
mentors can enhance your chances of success.


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