#99.2b "Portrait Photo Project" November 2021

(Dennie Cody and DK Khattiya) #1
“Kei” a stranger with his ‘69 Chevelle. He will not re-paint it. Tokyo, Japan © 2021 John Murch


noticed this old American car parked in a driveway and I got off my bike to take a shot. It’s not so common to see old + was riding Oy DiEyEle HroO another Xery old teOple in Tokyo to photograph the autuOn Eolours 1n Oy ride DaEk, +
American cars in Tokyo. A moment later, this friendly guy came out of a house and we started chatting about the car. He told me it’s a 1969 Chevy Chevelle, engine 307 cubic inch V8 (the small engine). I noticed the paint was faded and

Youldnot Raint it, he seemed to like the old Haded look and he Yas Elearl[ Xer[ Rroud oH his Ear A Xer[ niEe, humDle gu[ discoloured, the vinyl roof was peeling. I asked him if he planned to paint the car and he emphasised that no he
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