The Spartan Regime_ Its Character, Origins, and Grand Strategy - Paul Anthony Rahe

(Dana P.) #1

Index of Subjects 201

oîkos (household), partial suppression
of, 25–30, 38, 153, 160
paıdeía (formation, education),
xiii–xv, 4, 7, 13–30, 62, 144–48,
pederasty, 26–28, 30, 105, 122, 159
aΐtas (hearer), 159
eıspnḗlas (lovers as “breathers-in”),
26–27, 159
paıdıká (boy beloved), 27, 159
poetry, memorization and recitation,
13–23, 49, 122, 153–55, 169
possession of gold and silver banned,
9, 28–31, 46–47, 106, 149, 161, 168
private property in land, 10, 30, 45–47,
89, 125, 128–30, 150, 167
property regime, 9, 24, 32, 46–47,
125–36, 162, 167, 191
rules of inheritance, 10, 45, 61,
128–29, 150, 167
sacrificial practices, 23, 25, 27, 41, 43,
47, 156, 159, 165–66
shift from organization by three tribes
to organization by five villages,
sumptuary laws, 10, 31, 49, 122, 150,
161, 169
sussıtíon (men’s mess), 10, 23–30, 33,
41, 46–49, 105, 129, 135, 137, 150,
157, 159, 167
ısokratía (sharing of power), 117

javelins in archaic Greek warfare, 33, 80–81,
85, 87, 89

King James Bible, 15–16

Leuctra, battle of, 34–35, 109, 130, 151–52,

magistracies within Lacedaemon, 36–63,
98–106, 162–72, 183–86
agathoergoí (doers of good), 25, 102–3,
115, 158
dual kingship of Heraclids, 1, 4–5, 17,
41–54, 60–61, 69–74, 77, 79–80,
82, 101–4, 116–17, 135, 165–71,
174, 177, 184–85, 188–89
Achaean, not Dorian and not
Spartiate, 42, 165
adoption, kings oversee, 45–47,
127, 167, 182
Agiad royal line, 42, 69–74, 80, 98,
104, 106, 108–9, 117–18, 125,
134, 170, 174

senior to Eurypontids, 72
agōgḗ (system of education and
indoctrination), not subject to,
41, 165
archagétaı (founders), kings as, 43,
barred from having children by
women from abroad, 43, 166
booty, claim on a portion, 47, 167
carriage roads constructed and
maintained, 44–45, 106–10,
119, 162, 167, 186, 189
divine right, 16, 60
Eurypontid royal line, 42, 50, 53,
69–76, 80, 90, 98, 103, 110, 134,
exchange of oaths with ephors each
month, 50, 170
funerals like those of demigods, 43,
gerousía (council of elders), kings
members of, 41, 165
heiresses, kings dispose of, 45–47,
hereditary succession to general-
ship with life tenure, 42–45,
authorized to wage war against
any territory they wished,
42, 165
legitimizes Dorian conquest of
Laconia, 42–43
list of kings, 69–71, 174
patronage, kings control, 43–47,
52, 170
próxenoı (vice-consuls), kings
appoint, 44, 166
role in foreign relations, 44–45,
52–53, 47, 166, 171
Púthıoı (envoys to Delphic oracle),
kings appoint, 44, 167
resources at disposal, 47, 167–68
rivalry between two kings the
norm, 52–53, 171
sacral and sacrosanct, 22, 43, 60,
sacrifices, kings conduct, 23, 27,
41, 43, 47, 156, 159, 165–66
subject to trial at behest of ephors,
50–51, 170
sussıtíon (men’s mess), kings do not
join, 41, 165
ephorate, 1, 3–4, 32, 35, 41, 48–54, 61,
89, 98, 100–104, 117, 119, 126,
128, 134, 168–71, 183–85, 188–89
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