Empire Australasia - 03.2020

(Ann) #1
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Hi Sterling. You’re in
remarkable shape for
a 43-year-old man.
I appreciate that. I try to
sweat for an hour a day.
Then you have to be mindful
of what you put into your
body. If you want your car to
run its best, you got to put
the right kind of fuel into it.

Can you still have a bit
of fun though?
Absolutely. I’m not a
teetotaller by any stretch of
the imagination. Moderation
in all things. I enjoy French
fries. I enjoy desserts.
I enjoy a cocktail or two.

That’s very comforting.
What’s your go-to treat?
Hands-down, French toast.
A very specifi c one at a
restaurant that I go to in LA
once a week. They make a
bread-pudding French toast.

Bread pudding?
Yes. I look forward to it
every Sunday and every
Sunday it never disappoints.

Do you want to give it a
plug or keep it to yourself?
Good question. No, I’ll give
them a plug because they’ve
been good to me. The name
of the restaurant is Akasha
in Culver City.

If you can’t get a table
there now, it’s your fault.
If I go there on Sunday
and I can’t get French
toast, that will be what’s




How I accidentally

made a Daniel

Radcliffe meme

No. / 3

THERE IS A chance that a few years ago you
caught an unnerving meme of Daniel Radcliffe
circulating the internet, the wand and wizard’s
hat replaced with two guns and bear claw
slippers. Oh, and he’s not wearing any trousers.
“Harry Potter and the Chamber of Bullets”
read one hot take.
The somewhat alarming snap was taken
on the set ofGuns Akimbo, an “over-the-
top, Mad Max punk” action film from New
Zealand filmmaker Jason Lei Howden. “People
thought that it was a marketing team doing
it, but it was totally organic,” he says of the
viral hit. “Now a lot of the reactions to the
trailer are, ‘Oh look, it’s the movie based on
that meme.’”
For the director and self-confessed meme
fiend (“The one of the two women yelling
at the cat is my favourite”), no-one fitted
the bill for his unassuming hero better than
Radcliffe. “I wanted to do an ’80s homage
action movie where the protagonist isn’t like

Arnold Schwarzenegger,” he explains, though
he does cite The Running Man and The
Terminator as infl uences.
“Dan was the fi rst person we went to,” he
says. “He called and said, “Dude, I loved this
script!”, then spoke passionately about the
character for half an hour straight.” Radcliff e
plays Miles, a gaming developer who is attacked
and awakens the new contestant of a gladiator-
style contest called Skizm (“I wanted it to look
nu metal, like Korn spelled with a K”). He also
has a gun stapled to each hand.
“It was about placing someone who was
really uncomfortable with violence in a very
violent situation. There’s also a scene where he
has to relieve himself with the guns on his hands
that’s great.” Miles is pitted against Nix, an
“insane assassin” played by Ready Or Not’s
break-out star Samara Weaving.
Guns Akimbo has already garnered
a cult following since its premiere at Toronto
International Film Festival. But with its
murderous makeover of Hogwart’s biggest
export, the movie will be hoping that it outlives
the meme. BETH WEBB


Top to bottom: Nice guns, Miles;
Hey, you look familiar...are you any
relation to Bill’s daughter, Thea?

The director behind barmy
high-concept actioner
Guns Akimbo on his fi lm’s
inadvertent internet fame


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