The Spectator - 29.02.2020

(Joyce) #1
the spectator | 29 february 2020 | 37

Anglo-Chinese misunderstanding: an Oxford don visits 1960s Beijing

Leonardo (fine by me), the next putting
him down. For example, he presents him
as fey and indecisive about religion; but I
asked Warhol outright: ‘Do you believe in
God?’ ‘Yeah, I do.’ ‘Do you believe in life
after death?’ ‘In an abstract way.’ Very clear
answers. Gopnik makes much of the ‘camp’
in Warhol; but for me, camp does not char-
acterise his art at all, which was, in the first
instance, bewildering and shocking: he was
the greatest taboo-breaker of the 20th cen-
tury. And where Gopnik sees detachment
or ruthlessness, I see generosity: Warhol
gave many people the space (and money)
to explore themselves.
Gopnik’s task has been enormous and,
despite my reservations, all this hard work
is immensely valuable. But the result can-
not be definitive. I missed, for instance,
Andy’s remark: ‘Once you stop wanting
something, you get it’; and any mention of
that sombre Sunday at home in the 1980s
when the impossible happened — Andy’s
phone didn’t once ring. People today for-
get that by 1983 Warhol was unfashionable.
When I wrote up my meeting at the Fac-
tory, nobody in London wanted the piece.
It was only published after his death four
years later, when interest in him started
to revive.
Looking again at Warhol’s pictures,
I notice that works which once seemed
so explosive now strike me as creations
of classical self-possession and elegance.
What an amazing man.

Andy Warhol, a major retrospective
at Tate Modern, will run from 12 March
to 6 September.

Not a party person

Mike Cormack

The China Journals: Ideology and
Intrigue in the 1960s
by Hugh Trevor-Roper,
edited by Richard Davenport-Hines
Bloomsbury Academic, £25, pp. 296

This book is a rather startling depiction of
Hugh Trevor-Roper’s involvement with the
Society for Anglo-Chinese Understand-
ing (SACU), his sponsored visit to China in
October 1965 (just months before the Cul-
tural Revolution got under way) and his
efforts to find out who actually controlled
and funded SACU.
Having been induced to be a sponsor of
the society on legitimate grounds of interest
in China and its history, Trevor-Roper was
a last-minute addition to a delegation vis-
iting Beijing and Xian. He was promised
freedom of movement and access, though
the reality turned out quite differently. The
China Journals thus comprises four sections:
Trevor-Roper’s diary of his three-week visit;

his diary of his time in Oxford and London
two months later, when he tries to get to the
bottom of SACU; his suppressed Encoun-
ter article on the episode; and a diary of
a later visit to Taiwan and Cambodia. This
last is tangential to the purpose of the book,
but presumably included for balance on
Trevor-Roper’s feelings about China. (He
uses phrases such as ‘the worthless Chinese’
and others even less complimentary.)
The first section is the most interesting.
Trevor-Roper is lumped with three other
fellow travellers: Mary Adams, a stereo-
typical upper-middle-class committee-
joiner and do-gooder; Ernie Roberts, assis-
tant secretary-general of the Amalgamated
Engineering Union, a bon vivant and claim-
er of proletarian virtue; and Robert Bolt,
the playwright. He is soon exasperated by
the vanities and stupidities of Adams and
Roberts, and the diary is littered with amus-
ingly poisonous portraits of them.
But, more seriously, the promises of free
access and movement turn out to be worth-
less. The group is forced to remain together,
every visit choreographed and monitored
by interpreters and political minders, every
question and request for information
treated with the utmost suspicion, every
interaction guarded. (The one time Trevor-
Roper does get to meet Chinese historians
they remain almost silent, visibly frustrated
at being minded by their voluble professor,
a party hack.)
Political discourse is also sterile. (Roland
Barthes, during his own tour of China in
1974, called the outpourings of tedious
ideological rhetoric ‘bricks’: visitors then
were subjected to enough to build a house.)
War threatens between India and Paki-
stan during the tour; Pakistan is an ally of
China, India a rival, so the conflict can only
be framed in a Manichean manner — or, as
the guides put it, by reference to ‘objective
facts’. Bolt dares to suggest that the truth
isn’t so clear cut, only to be battered by
more verbal bricks.
Less seriously, or more entertainingly,
their guides behave like every incompe-
tent low-scale Chinese authority — which
will be familiar to anyone who has endured

peremptory but bungling hotel or station
staff there. Trevor-Roper and Bolt give
them nicknames, such as Cement-head,
Duck-bottom and Smooth-face.
But it’s not all contempt. Trevor-Roper
manages to abscond a few times, and throbs
with pleasure at old Beijing:
There were imposing hollow facades, fron-
tispieces of exquisitely carved stone, carved
wood reliefs, armigerous gateways leading
into alleyways or courtyards, and stylised
flora and fauna at every point; toad-like lions
squatting on cottage doorsteps, proud, ram-
pant lions on balustraded roofs, here a stone
stork on a cottage chimney, there a capari-
soned elephant in relief over a cottage door,
festoons of fruit and flowers carved in relief
over doors and windows.

He also relishes Chinese opera, the Tem-
ple of Heaven and the Forbidden City —
though he abhors the ‘totalitarian megalithic
style’ of the Great Hall of the People — as
well as the vivacity of the ordinary Chinese.
The subsequent sections concern his
efforts to expose SACU as a communist
front. He writes that, as a sponsor of the
society, he feels obliged not to resign but to
attempt to restore it to its proper purpose.
This is rather patrician of him, but you sense
he also enjoys the conflict, as well as despis-
ing the bad faith, lies and double-dealing
that go with communist parties (and what
he calls the communisant). The Encounter
article concerns not his visit but the story of
SACU and is a fine example of his journal-
ism, with its wit and insight.
The China Journals is not perhaps an
important book. SACU is a mere pim-
ple on Anglo-Chinese relations, and the
behaviours of communist fronts are tedi-
ously familiar. But it is enjoyable for
the human comedy and high quality of
Trevor-Roper’s prose. It is, however, rath-
er eccentrically edited. The introduction is
unfathomably long, around 50 pages, and
grindingly detailed. The footnotes are also
stuffed with extraneous information. But
you can skip all that and simply savour
Trevor-Roper’s moral outrage, aesthetic
feeling, keen political antennae and judi-
cious penmanship.

Books_29 Feb 2020_The Spectator 37 25/02/2020 14:39

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