Dear frankie,My middle name has instilled in me a lifelong love of
lady pirates. So, I was shocked when I read Mia Timpano's article
on the most infamous lady buccaneers, and there was no mention
of Grace O'Malley – the pirate queen who refused to bow to Queen
Elizabeth I, since queens don't bow to each other. I loved learning
about new pirates, though, and thought I'd share the enthusiasm.
More historical bad-arse ladies I've never heard of, please and
thank you.xoxoxo Ciara Peig Condren
Dear frankie,you’ve helped me a lot. You tell the stories of the most
ordinary people who do the most extraordinary things, and in doing
so, you help readers everywhere understand that you don’t have to
be special to do good. As an artsy, awkward adolescent who wants
to make her mark on the world, you’ve let me know that to be great,
I can just be me. And that’s wonderful.Lots of love, Alana
Dear frankie,Well, you really saved my butt. My first Christmas
lunch for the year and what happens? An unexpected guest shows
up! I snuck out to the shops before gift-opening time to get her a
present, then quickly excused myself to
go to the 'loo' to wrap it up. But alas!
I had no wrapping paper. Then what do
I spot? Issue 81 sitting on my bedside
table with all the lovely extras (including
wrapping paper). In a flash, the present
was wrapped and I was back in the
group, with no feelings hurt and my
butt saved. Thank you.Love Ashleigh xx
Dear frankie, After an incredible, bewildering year of all-
consuming full-time uni, I've found myself in the quiet holiday
aftermath, stumbling around and trying to regain a sense of
identity, purpose and creativity in my days. What a relief and
pleasure it was to be reminded of people like Joel and Rachel
Cooper, who pursue richness of life with such a gentle yet
constant passion. Reading about and seeing their love of fun,
nature and art in your pages was just the kickstart I needed to
re- find the "joyful chaos" and colour in my own life. Thank you,
thank you, thank you. Love, Ellie x
Dear frankie, One of my favourite things about you is your
beautiful and unique posters. Opening issue 81, I was expecting
some sort of Christmas-y piece, but no. When I saw that the
poster was a clown smiling with the banner ‘good but not the
best’, I was almost brought to tears with laughter. It was very
relatable, and I took away the message, “You may not have it all;
you may not be the best; you may not be where you want to be;
but you’re still doing good. Smile and be proud of how far you’ve
come”. It now hangs above my bed where I see it and smile.
Thank you. Annie
Dear frankie, I am a creature of habit, and buying your wonderful
magazine has become one of them. Every time a new issue is
released, I drop everything to snag a copy. Today was no different.
Despite the sweltering 33-degree day, I hurriedly walked down
to my local newsagent and grabbed the latest edition. Now, back
in the comfort of my air con, I get to enjoy the beautiful pages of
issue 81. Thank you for always providing a magazine worth braving
the WA heat for. Love always and forever, Emma x
dear frankie
[email protected]
Lukasz Wierzbowski
your say