
(Frankie) #1

High school mathematics – predominantly
senior maths.Did you always want to be a teacher? Yes
and no. My interest stemmed from having amazing female
maths teachers in high school. They were so incredible at
what they did and passionate about their profession. How
has the classroom environment changed since you were at
school? The teaching practice is moving away from a ‘chalk
and talk’ style, so to speak. There’s much more technology
used in the classroom – videos; PowerPoints; online learning
platforms that students can access 24/7. How do you engage
students and get them excited about learning? I’m faced with
the predicament that many kids hate maths. It’s important
to get to know your students – learn who they are; how
they like to learn; and their interests. When you can help
students be confident in their own abilities and what they can
achieve, they become more excited about learning, because
they find success in what they’re doing. Talk us through
the schoolteacher stereotypes you’re up against. Maths
teachers: old, male, with a calculator in their pocket! I don’t
really change how I dress for school. I don’t intentionally
cover my tattoos, and I’m a jeans, t-shirt and hoodie kind of
gal. I’m lucky to have worked for great schools that haven’t
judged me on my appearance, but rather my ability to teach.
I like to think I’m pretty good at what I do, and what I look like
has no part in that. What are the biggest concerns school-
aged kids have today? Kids have so many distractions they
can’t escape. When I was young and something happened at
school that bummed me out, I could go home and chill in my
room and listen to music. It didn’t follow me home on social
media. Nowadays they can’t be sheltered from anything.
What kind of relationship do you have with your students?
I have a laidback teaching style; I prefer students to call me
by my first name. My classes are like little families – we have
in-jokes and zero tolerance for cruelty, and we look out for
one another. What excites you about teaching? The ‘ah-ha’
moments are the best, when you can actually see the student
get it. It’s awesome, I feel super-stoked for them. That’s why
I love my job. Any wisdom you want to impart on the next
generation? I’m so passionate about encouraging female
students to study maths and science – we’re outnumbered
in both these areas. Science, technology, engineering and
mathematics are going to be at the forefront of our future,
and I’d love to see girls leading the way for positive change.

What do you teach?High school mathem

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