Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

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7 M.K. Dey and B. Radhakrishna,“Institutional Trading,
Trading Volume and Spread,” working paper, 2001. They
the spread for stocks listed on the NYSE.

8 F.Heflin,K.W.Shaw,andJ.J.Wild,“DisclosureQuality
and Market Liquidity,” working paper, SSRN, 2001.

9 C. A. Frost, E. A. Gordon, and A. F. Hayes, “Stock
ExchangeDisclosureand MarketLiquidity:AnAnalysisof
50 International Exchanges,” working paper, SSRN, 2002.

10 J. Hasbrouck, “Measuring the Information Content of
Stock Trades,” Journal of Finance 46 (1991): 179–207; J.
An Economic Analysis,” Review of Financial Studies 4
(1991): 571–595.

11 SeeM.Barclay,“Bid-AskSpreadsandtheAvoidanceof
Listings,”Journal of Financial Economics45 (1997): 35–60.

12 If 1/8 and 1/4 quotes are equally likely to show up,
and zero).

13 K. Chung, B. Van Ness, and R. Van Ness, “Can the
Treatment of Limit Orders Reconcile the Differences in
of Financial and Quantitative Analysis 36, no. 2 (2001):
doeslowerthebid-askspreadontheNYSE, theyconclude

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