Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

  • P&G had earnings before interest and taxes of
    tax rate for the firm is 35%.

  • The firm had total capital invested of $38,119
    million, generating a pretax return on capital of
    28.67% (10,927/38,119 = .2867).

  • Thefirmhadadebt-to-capitalratioof10%,abetaof
    0.8, anda pretax cost ofdebtof 5%. Ifwe usea
    resulting cost of capital for the firm is 7.03%.

  • Althoughthereinvestmentratehasvariedovertime,
    approximately 40% over the past five years will
    continue to hold in the future. This results in an
    expectedgrowthrate of7.45% ayearfor thenext
    five years.

  • After year 5, operating income and revenues are
    willearnno excess returns;theafter-taxreturn on
    Asaresult,thereinvestmentrateafteryear 5 hasto
    be recalculated:

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