Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

between firm value and complexity.

Cost of Opacity

In thepreceding section,we referred to the opacity index
developed byPriceWater-house tomeasure theopacity of
transparency of financial statementsin 35 countries.In an
interesting extension, Price Waterhouse also attempted to
have direct consequences for value. The first was a
“tax-equivalent” cost, where the opacity measure was
convertedintoan equivalenttaxrate.AsPriceWaterhouse
level istheequivalentof anincrease in thetaxrateof 46
percent.Table 16.5summarizes the findings.

TABLE16.5 EconomicCostofOpacity: “Tax-Equivalent”

Source:Price Waterhouse.

Country O-FactorEquivalent Tax Rate
Argentina 61 25%
Brazil 62 25
Chile 36 5
China 87 46
Colombia 60 25
Czech Republic 71 33
Ecuador 68 31
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