Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

  • Are theredetails aboutdirectors (otherthanname/

  • Are details about current employment/position of
    directors provided?

  • Aredetails aboutprevious employment/positions of
    directors provided?

  • Does the company disclose when each of the
    directors joined the board?

  • Doesthecompanyclassifydirectorsasanexecutive
    or an outside director?

Role of the Board

  • Doesthecompanyprovidedetailsabouttheroleof
    the board of directors at the company?

  • Is there a list of matters reserved for the board?

  • Is there a list of board committees?

  • Isthereareviewofthelastboardmeeting(couldbe

  • Is there an audit committee?

  • Is there disclosure of names on the audit committee?

  • Is there a remuneration/compensation committee?

  • Is there disclosure of names on the remuneration/
    compensation committee)?

  • Is there a nomination committee?

  • Is there disclosure of names on the nomination

  • Arethere otherinternalauditfunctionsbesides the
    audit committee?

  • Is there a strategy/investment/finance committee?

Director Training and Compensation

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