Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

the after-tax return on capital by the reinvestment rate:

If Titan Cement can maintain the return on capital and
reinvestmentrate thatithad lastyear,it wouldbe ableto
grow at 11.99% a year. With similar assumptions, the
earnings at SAP can grow 11.44% a year.

ILLUSTRATION 4.8: Current, Historical, and Industry

Thereinvestmentrateisa volatilenumberand oftenshifts
significantly from year to year. Consider Titan Cement’s
of euros):

The reinvestmentrate over the past five years has ranged
from 17.48in 2000 to 72.01% in 2001.Wecomputed the
total reinvestmentover thefiveyears bythetotal after-tax
operating income over the five years.

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