Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1
$4.703 billion for the firm in 10 years and a
compounded revenue growth rate of 46.98 percent.

  • Theotherapproachistoforecasttheexpectedgrowth
    rate in revenues over the next three to five years
    based on past growth rates. Once you estimate
    revenues in year 3 or 5, you can then forecast a
    growth rate based on companies with similar
    revenues currently. For instance, assume that the
    onlinetoy retailer analyzedhad revenuegrowth of
    200 percent last year (revenues went from $33
    ratesof 120 percent, 100 percent, 80 percent,and 60
    theaveragegrowthrateposted byretailfirmswith
    revenuesbetween$1and$1.5billion lastyearand
    use that as the growth rate commencing in year 5.

ILLUSTRATION 4.10: Estimating Revenues at Sirius
Satellite Radio

the firm for the next 10 years.

Year Revenue Growth Rate (%)Revenues ($millions)
Current 187
1 200 562
2 100 1,125
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