Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

3 I.M.D.Little,HiggledyPiggledyGrowth(Oxford,UK:
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4 T. Chrichfield, T. Dyckman, and J. Lakonishok, “An
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Review59 (1978) 651–667.

5 P.O’Brien,“Analysts’ForecastsasEarningsExpectations,”
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6 J. G. Cragg and B. G. Malkiel, “The Concensus and
Accuracy of Predictions of the Growth of Corporate
Earnings,”Journal of Finance23 (1968): 67–84.

7 J.H.VanderWeideandW.T.Carleton,“InvestorGrowth
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9 Thistendstoworkbetterthanaveragingthereinvestment
more volatile than the dollar values.

10 Theaveragepretax operatingmarginforthesectorwas
24.49 percent but ClearChannel, thelargest player,had a

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