Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

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5 percent.

8 A. Shapiro, Modern Corporate Finance (New York:
on a Firm’s Liquidation Decision,” Journal of Financial
Economics 13 (1984): 137–151; E. Altman, “A Further
Empirical Examination of the Bankruptcy Cost Question,”
Journal of Finance(1984): 1067–1089.

9 The levered beta used in Illustration 6.2 was 1, the
21.36 percent and the tax rate was 33 percent.

10 As an illustration, computing the return on capital at
value, results in a return oncapital of about 1 percent. It
on the part of the firm’s managers.

11 Thisistrue,though,onlyiftheexpectedpresentvalueof
present value of the return of the capital invested in the
project.Aproofofthisequalitycanbefoundin mypaper
“Value Enhancement: Back to the Future” (Contemporary
Finance Digest 2 [1999]: 5–51).

12 Notethatthisassumptionispurelyforconvenience,since
it makes the net present value easier to compute.

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