Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

Theenterprisevalue-to-salesratio,in additiontoincreasing
withgrowthand decreasingasthecostof capitalincreases
will increase as the after-tax operating margin increases.

period, using the following two-stage firm valuation model:

where RIR is thereinvestment rate and kc is the cost of
capitalforthefirmwith potentiallydifferentvaluesforthe
high-growth and stable-growthperiods. As with the equity
multiples,all that willbe required isthat thevariables be
estimatedtwice—oncefor thehigh-growthphase and once
for a high-growth firm can be written as:

high-growth (hg) and stable-growth (st) periods.

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