Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

ILLUSTRATION 9.2: Estimating Value Multiples for a Firm

for a firm with the following characteristics:

  • Inthemostrecent financialyear,thefirmreported
    depreciation of $20 million and earnings before
    resulting after-tax operating margin is 6%.

  • Thecapital investedin thefirmwas$400 million,
    translating into an after-tax return on capital of 15%:

The firm expects to maintain this return on capital in

  • The firm expects to reinvest 60% of its after-tax
    operatingincome backintothebusinesseveryyear
    for the next five years, resulting in an expected
    growth rate of 9% each year:

  • The cost of capital is 10% in perpetuity and the
    expectedgrowthrateafteryear 5 willbe4%.Given
    thereturn oncapital of15%, this translates intoa
    stable period reinvestment rate of 26.67%:

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