Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

Including cashin the picture (whichwe almost always do
just muddies the waters.

ILLUSTRATION 10.1: Consolidated versus Separate
Valuation: All-Equity Firm

To examine the effects of a cash balance on firm value,
us assume the following.

  • Thenoncashoperatingassetshaveabetaof 1 andare
    expected to earn$120 million in netincome each
    year in perpetuity, and there are no reinvestment
    needs (to match the assumption of no growth).

  • Thecash isinvestedattheriskless rate,which we
    assume to be 4.5%.

  • Thenetincomeisreturnedtostockholderseveryyear
    (as dividends or buybacks).

  • The market risk premium is assumed to be 5.5%.

  • The firm is all equity funded.

the consolidated and separate approaches.

Let us first consider the consolidated approach. Here, we
by computing a weighted average beta of the noncash
as weights (see below for estimated value of operating assets).

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