Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

26 L.Pinkowitz,R.Stulz,andR.Williamson,“DoFirmsin
Cash?, working paper, SSRN, 2003.

27 B. Schwetzler and C. Reimund, “Valuation Effects of
Corporate Cash Holdings: Evidencefrom Germany,” HHL
Working Paper, SSRN, 2004.

28 M.FaulkenderandR.Wang,“CorporateFinancialPolicy
and the Value of Cash,” working paper, SSRN, 2004.

29 OneofMicrosoft’soddest investmentswasin oneofits
primary competitors, Apple Computer, early in 1998. The
brought against Microsoft by the Justice Department.

30 The expected returncan be obtained on a risk-adjusted
basis byusing thebetafor thestocksin the fundand the
thefundinvests. Asimpler techniquewouldbe touse the
implied assumption that the fund invests in average-risk
stocks in these markets.

31 Firms haveevadedthe requirementsofconsolidation by
keeping their share of ownership in other firms below 50

32 Consolidation in the United States requires that you
consider 100 percentofthesubsidiary,evenifyouownless.
There are othermarkets in theworld where consolidation
you own. This is called proportional consolidation.

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