Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

When the price process is continuous (i.e., price changes
become smaller as time periods get shorter), the binomial
model for pricing options converges on theBlack-Scholes
andMyronScholes,allows usto estimatethevalueofany
be remarkably robust in valuing many listed options.

The Model

WhilethederivationoftheBlack-Scholesmodel isfartoo
complicatedtopresenthere,itisalsobased ontheideaof
creatingaportfoliooftheunderlyingassetand theriskless
option being valued. The value of a call option in the

S= Current value of underlying asset

K= Strike price of option

t= Life to expiration of option

r= Riskless interest rate corresponding to life of option

σ 2 = Variance in ln(value) of underlying asset

The value of a call is then:

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