Damodaran on Valuation_ Security Analysis for Investment and Corporate Finance ( PDFDrive )

(Hop HipldF0AV) #1

12 Withabinomialmodel,wearriveatanestimateofvalueof
$99.15 million.

13 Ifweownsomereservesinperpetuity,weshouldcapthe
lifeofthereserveatalargevalue—say, 30 years—inmaking
this estimate.

14 With a binomial model, we estimate the value of the
reserves to be $13.73 billion.

15 See Appendix 12.1 for more information on how this
conversion is done.

16 Wecan valuethe cappedcall by valuing theexpansion
price of $1 billion (yielding the original expansion option
valueof$218 million)andone withthestrikepriceof $2
billion (yielding an option value of $76 million). The
difference between the two is thevalue of the expansion
explicitlyin thebinomialbysettingthevalueto$2billion
whenever it exceeds that number in the binomial tree.

17 Thebinomialmodelyieldsavalueof$34.74millionfor
this option.

18 Note,though,thathighervariancecanreducethevalueof
theunderlyingasset.Asacall optionbecomesmoreinthe
deepin-the-moneycalloptions, highervariancecanreduce
the value of the option.

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