
(Laiba KhanTpa8kc) #1

The author wishes to thank Vinnie Curci, of Amusements of America,
and Dana Wyatt, director of operations for Pacific Park on the Santa
Monica Pier. Their assistance in researching this book was invaluable,
and their pride in protecting fun park customers is laudable. Also,
thanks to Dr. David Collon, of Henry Ford Hospital, for the information
on war wounds. And Kerri Alexander, who handles, well, everything. My
deepest appreciation to Bob Miller, Ellen Archer, Will Schwalbe, Leslie
Wells, Jane Comins, Katie Long, Michael Burkin, and Phil Rose for their
inspiring belief in me; to David Black, for what agent-author
relationships should be; to Janine, who patiently heard this book read
aloud, many times; to Rhoda, Ira, Cara, and Peter, with whom I shared
my first Ferris wheel; and to my uncle, the real Eddie, who told me his
stories long before I told my own.


v1.1 - May 17, 2004 - proofed by billbo196
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