durian fruit, 144-45
flowers, 141-42
jasmine, 141-42
perfume, 138
pheromones, 146
roses, 141
spices, 138-41
sulfur compounds, 142-43
taste and olfaction, 156-57
truffle mushrooms, 145-46
oligodendrocytes, 57
ontology, 127
opioids, 104-6, 224
opium, 99, 104-6
opsin. See cone opsins
optic chiasm, 168
orexin, 238
organic molecules, simple, 24-25
Organization of Behavior, The (Hebb), 228
origin of life, 257-58
Osmond, Humphry, 110
ossicles, ear, 178, 179f
otoliths, 185-86
oxycodone, 105
oxytocin, 82, 244, 246-47, 248f, 249
Pacini, Filippo, 187
Pacinian corpuscle, 187f
palmitic acid, 30-31
panpsychism, 259
Papaver somniferum, 104f
Paracelsus, 86, 87f
paralysis, 87,98, 92,193, 195,238